Chapter 6

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Cyno sat down across from me and passed me a packet of notes.

"There we go! The whole day's worth of notes. You can keep these and feel free to ask me questions about the unit," Cyno smiled.

"Thanks.." I replied, "since we're here wanna get a bite to eat?"

"Not interested."

I blinked rapidly and Cyno sat there unamused. "Where were you? You disappear for 3 days. No one could contact you and Lisa, the all knowing scholar, had no idea where you were."

"I...I ran away. But it wasn't like I wanted to be gone for 3 days. I actually got knocked out. Plus in that time I was given this," I shuffle through my jacket and pull out a silver holster, "Pretty snazzy right?"

Cyno's eyes lit up, "How could you get one so easily? Did you really just wake up with that...also never say snazzy."

"I left out one part. I was struck in the arm. The arrow didn't go clean through so it's actually partly still in my arm. Also I got my vision because I was in and out of conscience...She appeared to me."

"The hell! Don't just say that! Come on come get your ass up. We need to get you to the hospital," Cyno spat jumping up and pushing me out the door.


"Stitches? Really I did a majority of the healing myself," I said.

"Yes. Best way to get this arrow extracted however...would be a bigger incision. Seeing as you have been flexing your muscles there's more of a chance if we pull it out it'll create more damage."

"I think there's an easier way of healing," I reply tapping me chest pocket.

A vine emerges from my pocket and creates a fist like hand, then extends its now fingers. It places itself upon my shoulder and rips out the arrow. I hiss but keep my composure. The vine drops the arrow and thins into a thread. It weaves into my arm and ties tightly into sutures.

"See, nothing to worry about."

The doctor stared flabbergasted at the vine and I riffle in the jacket next to me. "It's a vision. Have you ever seen one? They're far and few between nowadays, right?"

"Tigh, don't flaunt your vision like that so publicly!" Cyno shouted as he barged in the room.

"Why not? It's useless to anyone but myself."


"Cyno, there's no need to worry," I said, "plus of everyone the god of wisdom chose me."

"I know...I just worry."


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