Chapter TWO~

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Chapter TWO~ Belle Amore’s POVV~

I was a child of order and disciplines, I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, I don’t feel, I don’t back down. I only take in and complete my orders; capture Missile Kid and killed the fabulous four outlaws that may go down in history as the saviors of this bitter war.

Fun Ghoul, Jet-Star, Kobra Kid and Party Poison…

In all honesty and truth, this mission maybe one of the most risky and challenging missions yet, it’s not like I wasn’t used to the blood splattering guts of an outlaw before. It’s just out of every group of outlaws that have perished under my steel metal boots; this group was far stronger and better equipped against me.

Party Poison, a hot headed red head, he’s a strong leader and devoted to “Saving the world.” And also smooth with the ladies when he needs to know something dire.

His second in command Jet-Star is perhaps the strongest of the four, the master mind of destruction despite his caring nature and loving heart, so much potential yet burdened by emotions.

Fun Ghoul, a power ball that seems to never stop; Short yet built, hyper and sarcastic like a young adult or teenager.

And Kobra Kid, “The Silent Kobra” some people call him; he’s the baby of the group, skinny slinky and not too good with a gun. But a master at seven different fighting styles including Tae Known Doe, Gigtsu, and the traditional American boxing.

Each killjoy has a strength that can hold out against me yet each also has an weakness hidden from the population; Party is scared to lose his brother and to let down all the killjoy outlaws on their side, Kobra can’t defend himself against weapons, Fun is like a wind-up toy energetic at first but can shut down in an instance also its been shown that Fun has a terrible soft spot for Party, and Jet’s weakness may match his potential, he cares and sympathies people to much not to mention he is a bit of a hopeless romantic at times. The strongest and smartest of the group yet he wouldn’t hurt a fly, he’s the teddy bear of the group and its really…pathetic.


In my provided room, I pack up all the things I need to survive; water, food and weapons…lots and lots of weapons. BL/ind supplied me with the world’s greatest weapons; weapons that I thought have been lost since the war started. 2 ray guns and 3 semi-automatic war time guns and a dozen bullets from the year 2013.

Quickly, I threw my bag of supplies on my shoulder and walked out of my room. Everyone in the office stared as I walked down the white halls of the building. Everyone here is scared of me, they say that I have eyes that burn through souls, yet can send men coming. They were a inhuman crystal blue that sparkled in the sun. On my hands are two tattoos, hidden behind my skull and cross bone fingerless gloves. One is a tat of the BL/ind logo, a tat that brands me theirs forever. And the other is the infamous pentagram, but I’m not a Satan worshiper, I’m a modern day Wiccan. I practice with hexes, spells and potions. My most recent studies, Love potions and complete mind control. The power to control someone’s, to send them to finish my bidding maybe the only thing that gives me a lead in this battle.


I grabbed the information I needed to search for the killoys and ran into my training room ne last time. Although I feel ready, I could never be sure. I was trained for perfection and perfection is what everyone’s going to get.

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