Chapter Six~

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Chapter Six~ Party's POV~

Sneaking into Battery City...easy, Sneaking into Battery City during the midday daylight...difficult, Sneaking into Battery City during the midday daylight looking for the innercity killjoys;Chemical Tears, Trans Ma'am, Dead Siren, Eternal Passion, and Acid Sorrows and their hide out...yeah suicide mission

Me and my brother scamper through the city, trying to keep our bright clothes from catching the eyes of the citizens in pure white. 

Hiding behind buildings and dumpsters everytime we're seen and stared at weirdly. It was tiring, and dangourous...not to mention boring.

As soon as we got behind the big large building that supposed to be the innercity killjoys hide out, we relaxed alittle, looking for the entrance inside.

Kobra and me looked cautioulsy for the door in, Like all inneroutlaw hang outs, the door was hidden...

Eventaully we found the door and found ourselves busting in, walking down the corridor in search for Trans Ma'am and his crew. The walk was long an quiet, I had my mind on Fun and if he was okay...he could be dead or hurt or worst...In pain...

I worried about Fun so bad that my body ached with fear...Oh man...I hope he's okay...

 The quiet soon died down when I turned to Kobra and nervously asked " you know what love is?

Kobra looked at me strangly and said with his normal poker face, "an emotion one feels for another...oftenly mistsake and can really hurt damage or destroy a..." 

 I cut him off, "No no no...I know the defination...I just don't remember how it how being in love...really is..."

Kobra shrugged his shoulders, "Don't ask me...I haven't been in love since 2013. It's not easy to love in a wasteland like 2019 California ...When this crisis happened I felt like I would never love again...I still feel like that so please don't ask me, wait why did you ask...Who could you POSSIBLY be in love with?"

I shrugged his question off and continued walking. 


"PARTY POISON, KOBRA KID! Two of the fabulous four, come in come in!" Trans Ma'am said as he opened his door and pointed inside for us to follow. 

I shook my head, "sorry Trans but we have business to attend to, we just came to talk about Missile really need to hang out." I quickly replied, Trans Ma'am is a cool...uh dude and all but he kind of makes Kobra  uncomfortable...not because he's a full blown tranny, that doesn't bother him AT ALL. It's the fact that he likes flirting with him, and touching him...THAT bothers him.

Trans nodded and opened the door wider, reviling the killjoys in his unit. "See...thats what we need to talk to you're going to have to take us to Missile, the people who are after her are no joke and my girl Chemical Tears here needs to see her ASAP...she said Missile's important to the world or some shit like that." he said opening the door a little more to show the blue headed girl wit a mask that was shaped like tear drops.

I looked at Trans with a skeptical eye, "How is little Missile the key to the world...and how does she know about it?" I said pointing at her.

Chemical tears stepped infront of me and said with a stern voice "because...I know more about BL/Ind in my left pinky finger than you do in your whole mind....Kobra would know...wouldn't you" she then pointed to Kobra Kid.

Kobra shot her a look of confusion, "What?!?" he asked. She walked over to him and knee'd him in his crotch. He screamed out in pain and fell to the floor in pain, tears seem to be falling from his eyes. "What the hell was that!!" he yelled, holding his crotch.

She smirked and stood above him, "Don't think I forgot you douche bag! because I totally thought you'll never see me again didn't up well I'm back" she then looked at me and said in a innocent girly voice, "ready to go Party...?" I looked at my brother then nodded to her, kind of scared to disaree with her. She smiled and pinched my cheeks, " you're so cute...COME ON GUYS!" she started walking, leading her team mates Trans Ma'am, Dead Siren, Eternal Passion, and Acid Sorrows down the corridor. 

I looked at Kobra and helped him up "dude what did you do to her? fuck her and leave her the next day?" I asked. Kobra shook his head, "NO! I don't even know that girl bro!... fuck my balls hurt"

I laughed and helped him walk "Well apperantly she knows you" I said trying to lighten the mood.


We got the the diner, I saw the other car pull in and park. I got out of ours and hurried over to the car, hoping to see that Ghoul was alright. 

I opened the drive door and saw Fun look up and smile at me with a beautiful smile that warmed my heart...he's okay...

He got out of the car and hugged me tightly, I guess he was worried about me too. He gently placed a kiss on my cheek that made me glow bright red, and pulled away. "

"you're alright!" I said putting my hands awkwardly on his shoulders.

He smiled and said "Yep...I'm fine...can't say the same for Jet though...he got shot, CC said it was just a small thrash but get wasn't with a Raygun, it was from a semi automatic...Oh yeah did I tell you that CC and her crew are in the car because we got attacked by a random drac raid? guess not...Missiles in the car, Helena's Devil is going to move her into the diner okay,  but we're all okay..." 

I looked at him with wide eyes, I can't believe Jet got hit with a semi automatic, I can't believe CC and the others are here...I can't believe the were attacked. FUCK I can believe that he said all that in one sentence. 

Finally I cleared my throat and said "O-okay well get the girls in the diner, I got Trans and his crew here too because Chemical Tears  needs to talk to Missile kid, I'm going into my room so you get someone to wrap Kobra some ice in a towel, give it to him and meet me in my room okay!

He looked at me confused and said "Ice?...O-okay" he then went back to the car and helped the others get out. he then looked at Amplified Suicide and pointed to Kobra, probably telling her to get him some ice. she nodded and ran into the diner.

I smirked and walked into the diner, going into my room.

Fun ran after me and caught up to me, grabbing my arm "Best way to spend your birthday week right, with a house full of people on a mission to save a little girl from certain death right"

I smiled and hugged him tightly one thing i love about Fun is that he can make the most dire of situations and turn them into a comedy stand. I kissed the temple on his forehead and smiled, he looked at me and blushed...I never really seen him blush before, usually I'm the blusher.


We got to my room , I shut the door and locked it. Fun sat on my bed and kicked his short legs back and forth, "whats up" he asked smiling like a little boy in a candy store.

I sat next to him on the bed and scooted over towards him..."Fun...Why do you like me? Like you know...why do you like like me?"

he gave me a goofy smile, he blushed really heavy and said "'re party...there is no way of explaining it...You're fun to be around, you're sexy as hell I mean no one can resist that red hair of yours, you're a brillant leader and you're just amazing..." I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my black boots. My heart started to beat really fast, it felt like it was about to jump out of my chest and fall on my lap. This is what happends when I'm alone with him, not to mention the nervousness and the tenseness...could this mean love?

"...Also..." he said again picking up my head so I'd look in his eyes "I love you because you make me laugh and smile, you make the sun shine and spread some life onto this hell I'm living give me turn all the dead around me living and thats why I love you..." he continued, now serious...I could tell he was serious because his eyes weeped for acceptence, love and copassion. 

I smiled and said "Oh..." before kissing him on the lips and getting up to go to the door. "I'mma go check on missile" I said smirking and opening the door.

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