Chapter Five

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Chapter Five~ (Belle's POV)

The pure joy on my face when I heard the sounds of the little pathetic killjoys scream as they saw my army appear from the distant horizon, I could see that my surprise attack jolted fear in their little hearts. Oh the pity...the burden on watching them....escape with my prize, but I had to halted my temptations from smashing their little heads under my steel boots for it's not time yet for the destruction. My intentions were to get into show ponies and Dr. D's shack and find any record, or anything that could help me weaken the threaten forces against me or help me local the killjoy hide out. 

I hurried down into the shack's basement with a couple of my followers and order them to start searching for anything that can be of any use to me.

My, myself search under ever cabinet, bathroom sink, couch everything. Throwing things around on the floor and breaking things open. 

Soon the front room and the kitchen area were a complete scattered mess, the furniture flipped over, papers everywhere...there were literally nothing that was untouched or moved. I was about to give up with my search...until I saw the little door in the corner that I haven't noticed. 

I abruptly busted through the door and saw an array of drawings and colors, so i figured it may have been the child's room. 

The walls had on them silly pointless drawings of her favorite killjoy's; Bullet Storm,Chemical Tears, Eternal Passion, Trans Ma'am ha! petty silly weak outlaws. 

I started looking under the child's bed and digging around in her things, nothing at any use nothing at all. 

The child was clearly pointless and was very useless to me. I started flipping the child's mattress and feeling under her sheets...that's when I felt it...a little book that may have been small enough to slide into a back pack.

Pulling the notebook from under it's hidden territory, I began to read it, feeding from its information as it was rather interesting. Soon I realized the child's notebook was a mini diary, only for scribbling useless note into and tracking the events around them.

Skipping through the pages, I found out that Missile Kids most favorite outlaw was Jet-Star...not surprising to me...and also that the original outlaws harbor in a diner of some sort out in the west of the desert. 

The book told me more than I needed, it told me how many outlaws there where and how each of them function. Although this maybe just a kid barely in her preteen years, she was a outstanding observant...and luckily for me she was one of the keys to win.

I stuffed the note book under my arm and stood up, looking at the paintings on the wall once more for any clue on how this "diner" looks, and then I noticed it.

Slowly I backed away, the art work on the wall was linked wasn't just one random drawing of people posing in shooting positions, nooo it was a drawing of the prophecy, of what was predicted to happen...It finally clicked in my head on why this kid was so important to Korse and BL/I...She was the thing that link them and success...She was the teller....she was the inherited

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