Chapter Nine, Jet's Pov~

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Chapter Nine, Jet's Pov~

Me and CC sit on my bed, she was wrapping gauges around my arm from where I got shot at.

"Alright this is going to hurt a bit, I just need to put pressure on the wound okay" she warned, squeezing my arm with her tiny fingers. I nodded as the pressure being applied stung up and down my arm in circulation.

I hissed as she wrapped the tight gauge around it, "Oh I'm sorry Jet" she said loosening her grip on it.

I shook my head and insisted that it was alright.

She smiled and continued on "Strong man you are. I mean I just pulled a bullet out of your arm...I would have been crying" she laugh.

I nodded and winced at the pain, "Well you know, Its not all that bad" I lied it was bad...

She finished with my arm and smiled "there you go Jet-Star, you are all patched up. Try not to get shot again any time soon okay, I don't want you to lose a limb or something dear" She kissed my cheek and smiled, I blushed a deep red and smiled at her, the area where she kissed stung with attraction.

She stood up from my bed and picked up the bullet that she just plucked from my arm and she helped me off the bed. My legs fell numb as soon as I stood up, it was like I sat there for hours. She grabbed my hand and held me so I could balance , "Careful dear" she said wrapping an arm around my waist to prevent me from falling. "Your legs must've fell numb from you sitting with you legs crossed. You won't be able to get any blood to circulate like that which caused you to fall like a newborn. I'd advise you to loosen your flow and not sit with your legs crossed" she said, pushing me right on my feet.

I nodded at her, taking the advisory to heart. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me for a hug, a surprise hug that made me kinda smile.

"GOOD! I don't want you to hurt yourself ever. Us killjoys are like family, despite the fact that I just meet you 15 hours ago." she said, not once loosing the grip on me.

As she was about to let go, the door opened and peeked into the room was Bullet Storm, he looked at me and CC hugging and gave me the I hugged her tighter and smiled.

"Um....Corrupted Cyanide...Party wants you and Jet-star to meet him and the others in his room...It's about Missile Kid, apparently we have to put her in hiding because of some real freak shit. So...finish up here and um...yeah."

CC looked at him and quickly pulled back from me, "Oh um...Okay Bullet and Jet are coming. Just give us a few minutes" She said giving him a smile.

He shook his head in protest. "No no no CC, this is serious...We need to help Missile, you have to come now..." he looked at me again and rolled his eyes.

She walked over to Bullet and kissed his cheek, "I know you care about Missile baby ,but me and Jet have to clean up these medical equipment...can you give us a few minutes please and I promise I will be out there okay?"

I rolled my eyes, this flirting shit makes me sick. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought they were dating...were they? Damn....I hope not....

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