↳ chapter three

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↳ back-to-the-future-style

evina stepped out of the car behind steve watching the man and the little girl in front of them.

he stepped up the porch before he turned around to look at them, acknowledging only nat and evi.

nat made a motion to follow tony.

evi was about to follow nat and scott, before she was held back by steve.

"why are you friendly with him suddenly? this isn't the first time i've noticed"

"what are you talking about?" evi shrugged "i'm just nice" she lied, not trying to raise suspicion. she knew that tony would never tell her father about the spaceship, or anything that happened on titan. she wouldn't either

steve let go of her arm, still confused but he accepted his defeat, atleast for now

"no, we know what it sounds like" scott said

"tony, after everything you've seen, is anything really impossible?"

"quantum fluctuation messes with the planck scale which then triggers the deutsch proposition... can we agree on that?"

"thank you" steve said after tony had given him a glass filled with water

"in layman's terms, it means you're not coming home."

"i did" scott said

"no" tony paused, filling up another glass to give to evi "you accidentally survived. it's a billion-to-one cosmic fluke. and now you wanna pull a.. what do you call it?"

"time heist?" scott replied unsurely

"back to the future" evi stepped forward, while all heads turned to her "just better planned"

"basing a real life mission on your favorite movie? why didn't we think of this before?"

steve looked confused between the two once again. maybe it had just been a lucky guess, tony was known for this kind of humor, but still, he wondered how he could know that back to the future was evinas favorite movie?

ms cole was right. something definitely didn't add up here.

"it's a pipe dream..." tony concluded

"the stones are in the past" steve stepped forward "we could go back, we could get them."

"we can snap our own fingers. we can bring everybody back" nat chimed in

"or screw it up worse than he already has, right?"

"i don't believe we would"

"gotta say it. i sometimes miss that giddy optimism... however high hopes won't help, if there's no logical, tangible way for me to safely execute said back to the future time heist. i believe the most likely outcome will be our collective demise"

"not if we strictly follow the rules of time travel" evi was picked up by scott's optimism "alright? it means no talking to our past selves... no betting on sporting events"

evi bit her lip. this wasn't gonna go over well. the back to the future reference had been more of a joke to her. but scott seemed to be the kind of person, who really based all his plans solely on films.

"i'm gonna stop you right there, scott" tony raised his hand at the man "are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe is seriously based on back to the future?" he looked at evi "thought that was a joke"

"is it?"


"good, you had me worried there. 'cause, i'm sorry-" he looked at evi "but that would be horseshit. that's not how quantum physics works"

"tony" nat said "we have to take a stand"

"we did stand. and yet, here we are"

"i know you got a lot on the line. you got a wife, a daughter. but i lost someone very important to me. a lotta people did"

while scott was talking, steve walked back and hugged evi to his chest. he knew her well enough to guess what his words would do with her.

"and now, now we have a chance to bring her back... to bring everyone back, and you're telling me that you won't even.."

"that's right scott" tony interrupted him "i won't even.. i can't"

right after that, morgan stark came running out and climbed on tony's lap.

"mommy told me to come and save you" she mumbled towards her father "good job, i'm saved."

he stood up and looked back at his guests. "i wish you were coming here to ask me for something else. anything else" he paused "i'm honestly happy to see you guys, i just..."

"tony i get it" said steve "and i'm happy for you. i really am. but this is a second chance"

"i got my second chance right here, cap and i think you got yours too" he raised his head to point at evi "don't risk it"

"if you don't talk shop, you can stay for lunch"

the three adults walked back down to the car, while they were talking amongst themselves. evi was caught in her own thoughts. there was a way to do it. she knew it, because she had seen it.

and she had to talk to tony about it.

"hey guys, i think i'll stick around a bit, i haven't played with morgan in a long time. i'll ask tony if i can stay the night. is that okay steve?"

"yeah, sure" steve exclaimed confused. he stepped forward and hugged his daughter, while he planted a kiss on her forehead.

"i love you, nana, text me before you go to bed"

"i love you too. bye guys" she waved before she made her way back onto the patio.

with her hands in her pockets and a plan in her head.


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