↳ chapter fifteen

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↳ peter and evi

"alright, the glove's ready" said rocket the next day. they were all standing around the iron man glove, that tony had built, which was now holding the six infinity stones

"question is, who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?"

"i'll do it" said thor, stepping closer to his friends

"excuse me?" said tony under the protests of the others

"stop, stop, slow down"

"thor. just wait" steve said "we haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet"

"i'm sorry. what, we're all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?"

"we should atleast discuss it" scott suggested

"look, sitting here, staring at the thing is not gonna bring everybody back. i'm the strongest avenger, okay? so this responsibility falls upon me"

"boo" exclaimed evi and all eyes turned to her. she was sitting on a bean bag in the back of the room. she stood up and walked to the circle of men. "obviously i'm the strongest avenger"

"technically you're a child... so you're not really part of the team" said rocket

"excuse me? you're a raccoon" rocket closed his mouth "also, tony said i was. back on the alien ship, isn't that right?"

"yeah i did"

"you did what?" asked steve

"we had other problems okay? so i just made them both avengers, they wouldn't have left each others side"

"who?" scott asked confused

"peter and evi" tony answered, like it was obvious knowledge.

"what about peter and evi?" asked steve

"nothing happened, okay?" evi seemed tired at the discussion they were having

"what do you even mean 'nothing happened'? tony, was there room for something to happen?" steve turned to look at the man

"eh" tony caught evi's burning gaze and registered how she moved her finger along her throat threatingly "i can't tell you that"

"steve, just leave it, okay?" evi pleaded "we have other problems right now and those have nothing to do with my love life"

"your love life?!" steve shrieked and turned to look at his daughter, then back to tony "why didn't you do something? interfere, keep an eye on her? huh?"

"what should i do when they give each other heart eyes?"

"tony!" evi screamed and tony flinched

"she's a child!"

"i'll soon be eighteen" evi sighed "it's just a boy, okay? he's harmless"

"just a boy? just a boy!" steve started to walk in circles.

"steve..please" evi sighed, but steve kept on walking, just ignoring her completely. "can't we talk about this later?"

"oh believe me, we will"

"i could snap my fingers, my powers come from one of the infinity stones, i might be powerful enough to do it"

"absolutely not" steve and tony said at the same time

"this could kill you" scott said

"it won't"

"evi, you haven't used your powers in more than a year, you aren't strong enough, you would die on the spot" steve said worryingly

"rather me than anyone of you"

"don't say that" steve shook his head

"you know that we need you, you're just as important as anybody else" said clint

"thank you, clint" evi smiled

"no really, i should do it" thor said "i can take it, i don't want her to get hurt, i'm strong enough, let me do it"

"it's not about that" said tony

"stop it! just let me do it" thor pleaded, before he got quite and whispered the same once again. "just let me do something good. something right"

"look its not just the fact that that glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent. i'm telling you, you're in no condition, and neither are you" he turned to look at evi, before she could say anything

"what do you think is coursing through my veins right now?"

"cheez whiz?" asked rhodey sarcastically

thor send a look in his direction before he turned to look at tony again "lightning"



"lighting won't help you, pal" said bruce "it's gotta be me, you saw what those stones did to thanos.. they almost killed him. none of you could survive.. not even you evi, it doesn't matter that your power comes from them."

"how do we know you will?" asked steve

"we don't" bruce stopped to stand in front of the globe "but the radiation's mostly gamma.. it's like i was made for this"


"good to go, yeah?" asked tony a few minutes later. they had finally decided that bruce was right, he was the most capable of surviving the snap

"let's do it"

"okay, remember, everyone thanos snapped away five years ago you're just bringing them back to now, today. don't change anything from the last five years"

"got it"

everyone got into a safer position, evi walking out of the room, once steve had nodded at her

she couldn't see the rest of what was happening, because tony had shut her out completely by closing off the whole room an building.

she walked into the main hall, trying to keep her mind occupied, when she noticed nebula at the time machine

"hey, nebula, what are you doing?" evi asked while she stepped next to the woman.

"oh" nebula exclaimed surprised "just this light it was blinking and-" suddenly she had taken a pair of pliers and before evi could react, she had hit her to the head with it.

the whole world turned black, while evi fell to the floor


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