↳ chapter nineteen

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↳ tony stark has a heart

"everybody wants a happy ending, right? but it doesn't always roll that way. maybe this time. i'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration.

i hope families are reunited. i hope we get it back, and something like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there ever was such a thing.

god, what a world. universe, now.

if you told me ten years ago, that we weren't alone, let alone to this extent, i mean, i-i wouldn't have been surprised, but come one, who knew? the epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. and for better or worse.. that's the reality morgan's gonna have to find a way to grow up in.

so i thought i'd better record a little greeting in the case of an untimely death.

on my part.

not that death at any time isn't untimely. this time travel thing that we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow.. it's got me scratching my head about the ability of it all.. that's the thing.

then again, that's the hero gig, right? part of the journey is the end. what am i even tripping for? everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to. i love you 3000"

the video ended and tony had been gone.
evi stood next to her father, wearing a black dress. the one tony had gifted her all those years ago. she was holding onto her father while she was crying

then they all went outside. evi stayed close to steve and peter, following pepper.

she put the flower bouquet onto the water and let it stream away, on it tony's arc reactor, with the words 'proof that tony stark has a heart'

and evi had to admit that it was true. he had sacrificed himself for all of them and even more people that he had never met, but who would now learn about what he did for them


"you know i wish there was a way, that i could let her know" clint said later when him and the maximoff sisters were standing at the shore. "that we won.. we did it"

"she knows" wanda nodded "they both do"

evi squeezed her sisters hand. she hadn't known vision for a long time, but she could tell that he had been a good man, well robot.

she had known nat, however and she wished that she could see her one last time too, and tell her everything that had happened or at least hug her goodbye. if she couldn't do that, she wished that at least clint could've been able to, nat had been his whole world, next to his family and he had loved her like a sister

"it's gonna be okay" said evi reassuringly

she spotted peter standing a few feet away and excused herself from the two.

"hey" she smiled when she stepped next to the boy

"hey" he took a step forward and connected their hands.

"i know it's not the right time and all, but i was wondering, if that kiss meant that we were continuing.. this"

"oh yes we definitely are.. i didn't wait five years for nothing, i can tell you that much"

"it's nice to have someone like-"

"like a girlfriend?" she asked smiling "i know we didn't have much time together, but for me it would be okay if we started this relationship, while getting to know each other better. i dreamed of calling you my boyfriend for such a long time now"

"you did?" peter exclaimed happily "well i won't ever say no to that"

"great" evi stepped forward

"great" peter smiled and then they kissed.


she later went home together with steve and wanda, who was staying with them. she said that it would be just for some time, but steve had told her that she could move in permanently.

"welcome home" evi had said as soon as wanda had entered the flat for the first time. in contrast to the avengers compound in which wanda had lived the past few years, this really looked like a home.

it was warm and decorated and not so white and working environmental like the compound had been.

"luckily i was in your room and rescued a few things before the building got all blown up, you know, silly thing. we don't talk about that"

she walked them into her room

"it's probably not as much as you had hoped, but it's something" she put the things onto her bed

the few clothing items and the dvd she had taken from the room.

"it's more than enough, evi" wanda smiled as she looked at her favorite episode of the dick van dyke show, her sister had saved "thank you"

"wanda, nana! dinners ready" steve called from downstairs

wanda perked up at the nickname and sent her sister a questioning look

"that's what he calls me since-"

wanda had walked to evi's desk and took the photo of evi and steve at the adoption center into her hand

"the adoption" wanda finished

"yes, what do you think?"

silenced emitted between them and evi was nervously fidgeting.

wanda smiled at the picture while she tried to hide her pain. she felt like something stood between them now. like wanda didn't belong to the family evi build for herself. wanda felt left out, even if her sister and steve were welcoming, she didn't belong. but she couldn't tell evi that. she loved steve like he had always been her dad and the disapproval of her sister would break her heart. so wanda swallowed the pain

"you're wearing white" she said after some time

"what?" evi exclaimed confused

"the dress" wanda assisted "it's not your color, makes you look all red in the face"

"i'm sorry?"

"it's great, evi" wanda assured "did you think i would be angry?"

"no, i just-"

"it's fine, come one, eves. dinners ready. you heard your father"

wanda smiled

and evi's world was fine for a moment


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