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↳ prologue

"how do you feel today?" hanna cole asked, looking up from the papers on her lap

"it's okay" evi shrugged "as normal as i can feel, i guess"

"you guess?"

"i know"

"that's good. how is it going with steve?"

"he's great. last week he got paint for my room. it's lavender" she excitedly said

"that's great. did you paint it together?"

"we did. steve was terrible at it"

"it's getting official, right?"

"yes. this thursday"

"are you happy about it?"

"more than that, it's all i've ever wanted. i got him some flowers as a thank you. steve likes flowers"

"that's really nice of you"

evi just shrugged "he did so much more for me"

"he did do a lot, yea. but that's his job evi, at least from thursday on. you don't have to feel guilty, he's your father now"

"i don't want him to feel obligated to take me in... to sign the papers"

"he wanted it, remember? he loves you"

"i love him too and i'm so grateful for him, but-"


"i feel guilty.. towards wanda"

"oh, evi" ms cole smiled "i understand that, it's only natural that you do, you feel like you finally got something- someone that your siblings would've deserved too"

"my siblings? you mean wanda?"

"yes of course, wanda"

"maybe i do"

"oh no, our time is sadly over, but i promise you that it will get better, just give it some time, we'll continue here next week"

they both stood up and ms cole walked evi to the door. "be nice and fetch mr rogers for me, please, will you? you can wait in the seating area for him"

a few minutes later evi was sitting outside of ms coles office, while steve was inside talking to the woman

"it's getting alarming, mr rogers"

"i know, but maybe it's just easier for her like that? to deal with it?"

"i thought so too at first, but she can freely speak about her parents and wanda, and the loss of her sister was much more recent"

"she was really close to her brother"

"so close that she won't speak a word about him? it seems like she has totally forgotten that she ever had a brother"

steve sighed "i know"

"does she talk about him with you?"

"never, only about wanda"

"did you ever ask her what happened? where she was? after sokovia?"

"what do you mean? she died"

"i know" hanna cole sighed deeply "that doesn't seem to be the whole truth though"

"what are you talking about?"

"she knows things. things that happened after, things that happened shortly before the blip"

"she could've googled it" steve tried to explain "it's obvious that she wants to know what happened"

"was she close with tony stark, before her death?"

"no they absolutely hated each other. she made him responsible for her parents death"

"that's what she told me too, but she said that they were friends now"

"friends? no, he- they would never-"

"she spoke about some boy, too. his name's peter"

"peter parker?" steve asked


"what? she never met the boy, i didn't even knew him back in sokovia. when did she meet him?"

"that's the part i'm asking you about. things don't add up. it seems like she didn't just come back. your friend tony stark might know a bit about that"

"he's not my friend. well, not anymore"

"whatever it is that happened to her, it seems to be important. there's only so much i can do, but you're her father and she trusts you and tony stark did so once too. so you better find out what's happened before it's too late"

that made steve think. she was right it did seem a little weird, things really didn't add up.

as he watched his daughter through the glass, he grew concerned. something was happening to her and he had to find out what it was.

pledge of secrecy doesn't exist in this universe ☺️🫶🏻


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