↳ chapter seventeen

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↳ peter & evi & wanda

evi fought next to steve and thor, all while trying to look for peter, and also her sister, whom she hadn't seen yet. but she assumed that she would be here too, hopefully at least.

"no, no, give me that. you have the little one" thor said while switching hammers with steve.

evi followed tony who was fighting against some bulky giant, trying to help as best as she could, but when tony was swapped off his feet, she fell down with him.

she had closed her eyes, expecting a hit, but nothing came. when she opened them again, the giant version of scott had just stepped on him

"do you remember when we were in space? and i got all dusty? and i've must've passed out, because i woke up and you were gone, but doctor strange was there, right? and he was like 'it's been five years, come on, they need us'
and then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing, that he does all the time" peter parker said

"he did?"

"what are you doing?" tony just hugged peter, while evi continued watching them.

"oh this is nice" peter had yet to notice her, so she got up and stepped behind tony, waiting until they left each other embrace

"peter" she exclaimed softly when his eyes fell upon her

"evi" peter smiled relieved. "i'd hoped to see you here, it's been such a long time and i wasn't sure- but um you still look the same so i figured-"

"i promised you i would wait" she smiled at his rambling

"yeah, but i would've never hold it against you-"

evi stepped forward once more "just shut up" she smiled before her hand went against his neck and she kissed him, it took peter a second but he kissed her back. his hands caught her waist and he pulled her closer, deepening the kiss

"yeah, that's enough" tony exclaimed, still standing next to them awkwardly

peter and evi both laughed when they broke the kiss

"steve would kill me for letting that happen" he pointed from one to the other

"you don't have to tell him anything" evi smiled mischievously

"do you live with him, now?" peter asked

"there's a lot you missed, spiderboy" evi laughed

"yeah and you'll have time to discuss this later, first we gotta finish up some things" tony pointed behind them, where a fight was still going on

"oh, yeah, shoot" peter exclaimed "you kiss amazingly by the way" he pecked evi's lips once again, before swinging into the air

"he kisses amazingly too" evi said to tony who made a disgusted face


"not one word to steve, i'll tell him myself"

tony raised his hands in defense "you know me, i wouldn't dare say anything"

"don't lie to me, you totally would"

"yes i would, so be fast or i'll tell him"

"haha iron bucket, i'll always be faster than you. and now i have to find my sister, see you later, t" evi rose up into the air

"cap" clint spoke into the comms, while evi flew through the air, fighting as many people or creatures as she could. "what do you want me to do with this damn thing?"

"get those stones as far away as possible!"

"no!" said bruce "we need to get them back where they came from"

"why can't we just destroy them?" asked evi

"we can't, it would completely destroy our reality, because they are from a sooner point of time, also because it's forbidden"

"no way to get them back, thanks destroyed the quantum tunnel" tony said

"hold on" scott added "that wasn't our only time machine"

evi stopped midair as a song started playing

"anyone see an ugly brown van out there?" asked steve

"i think i do" said evi

"yeah me too" exclaimed an unknown female voice "but you're not gonna like where it's parked"

"scott, how long do you need to get that thing working?"

"uh, maybe ten minutes"

"get it started, we'll get the stones to you"

"we're on it, cap"

evi landed next to steve when she saw him.

"help somebody help" evi and steve turned into the direction of the voice, only to see peter, who was going down, surrounded by various creatures, the glove in his hands

"hey queens!" steve said "heads up" he threw mjölnir and it took peter flying away, it reminded evi of the time her brother had tried to grab it and failed miserably

"shit" evi exclaimed as she noticed that peter had fallen onto the ground and was now being shot at.

"evi, don't" steve tried to hold her back

"i have to help" she pleaded "i'm sorry" she used her powers to free herself from him, before she flew towards peter

"evi!" she could hear steve scream behind her and it pained her that she couldn't turn around to look at him

she got onto the ground beside peter and used her powers to shield him as best as she could

and then suddenly the shooting stopped. the machine began shooting towards the sky instead

"what the hell is this?" asked sam into the comms

"friday, what are they firing at?"

"something just entered the upper atmosphere"

a golden light flew through the ship of their attackers, shutting it off completely. the light turned out to be a woman and she destroyed the whole ship until it came crashing down into the waters

"danvers!" steve exclaimed "we need an assist here"

the woman stopped to stand in front of evi and peter, the latter clinging onto the glove like it was his baby

"hi, i'm peter parker"

"i'm evi rogers"

"hey peter parker, hey evi rogers, you got something for me?"

with the help of evi, peter rose to his feet, clearly not in a good condition. he stopped to look at all the creatures that were coming their way

"i don't know how you're gonna get it through all of that"

"don't worry" a familiar voice exclaimed

"she's got help"

evi turned around, and there she stood.

wanda maximoff. her big sister


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