Chapter 16: Kiss, Bite, Forever

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10 Months Later

Noelle's Pov

It has been 10 months since the massive fight between the good and the bad. I had moved in with Zayn, Faith and Niall had begun dating, Hunter was dating Maria, a girl vampire who stays at Mr. Peterson's mansion for vampires, and Liam, Louis and Harry had moved into a house next door so they could be closer. "Babe do you know where the hammer is? I can't find it!" Zayn yells from upstairs. I was currently cleaning up the living room and Zayn was hanging up some pictures up in our room. "It's in your toolbox under the first compartment!" I yell back. I didn't hear anything else so I knew he found it. Once the living room was cleaned, I headed upstairs with the laundry basket so I could put away our clothes.

As I opened the door, Zayn was hammering a nail into the wall to hang up one of our pictures. "Be careful you don't-" "Ouch fuck!" Zayn shouts as he hits his left thumb with the hammer. I was just about to warn him to be careful. I set he basket down on the bed and walked over to Zayn who was holding onto his finger. "Let me see it baby." I say, taking his hand to examine his thumb. He did hit it hard but it wasn't that bad. I kissed his thumb to make him feel better and he just stared at me and smiled. "All better you big baby?" I teased him, pecking his lips.

"You and I both know I'm no baby." His voice laced with lust. I'm not complaining when it comes to mine and Zayn's sex life. It's not like we did it everyday but when we did it, it was absolute bliss! I bit my bottom lip because I knew it was a turn on for Zayn and I began to walk backwards, pulling onto Zayn's shirt to bring him back with me. Zayn pushed the laundry basket hard so it fell onto the floor. I laid back on the bed and Zayn hovered over me. Our lips attached to each others and the kiss was full of want and lust. "I've missed your beautiful body baby." Zayn says, voice low and husky.

His lips trailed down from my lips to my neck. He knows exactly where my sweet spot is and he begins to suck on it. I moan loudly and just as Zayn's hands were about to pull off my sweats, we hear people carrying on downstairs. We both sigh loudly and Zayn stands up. I lean up onto my elbows and stare at my amazing boyfriend. "Go tend to the guests. I'll be down in a bit." I say, nodding towards the bedroom door. "We will finish this later." Zayn says, winking then walking off towards the stairs. I get up and decide to clean up the mess Zayn made with our laundry.

Once the laundry was re-folded and put away, I headed downstairs to be greeted with Louis, Harry, Liam, Niall and my sister. "Hey everyone!" I say, walking over to everyone, hugging them all. "Hey sis! Niall wanted to come visit with you all before we left for Florida." Faith says as she sits down beside her boyfriend. Niall wanted to take Faith to Florida so they could have some time together and get to just enjoy the beautiful view of the Florida beaches. "When are you guys leaving again?" I ask, sitting down beside her at the end of the couch. "We are leaving tomorrow morning at 8:00 am." She replies. I nod and look around for Zayn. "Where's the others?" I ask, noticing Liam, Louis and Harry missing also. "They went out back. Zayn said something about showing them the new pool you two got." Niall said, putting his arm around Faith's shoulders.

Niall and Faith made a very cute couple but at first I gave him "the talk". I know I'm younger than Faith but she is still my sister so I want her to be safe and happy. Niall obviously makes her happy because I have never seen her smile so much in my life! Us three decided to join the others outside. They were all in their boxers and jumping into our pool. I laughed as Zayn did a canon ball into the pool, splashing the lawn chairs beside the pool. When he came up he noticed me, Faith and Niall standing on the back patio. "Babe! The water is beautiful today! Come in!" Zayn says, lifting himself out of the pool and walking over to me. "Not now babe, maybe later." I say, pecking his lips as he stands right in front of me. Just then he puts his wet arms around my waist and picks me up, spinning me around.

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