Chapter 5: I'm Not Crying, It's The Rain

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A/N: A picture of Vampire Niall on the side. There will be a picture of Vampire Harry next chapter! Enjoy! :) Also, beware of a huge plot twist!!! :)

~Zayn's Pov~

We have been watching movies all night and it is now 12:30am and still no sign of Harry. Everyone else is asleep while I'm in the kitchen making tea. Just as I pour the hot water into the mug, my front door opens. Harry walks in, soaking wet from head to toe. When did it start raining? Harry closes the door and walks into the kitchen. "Mate, where have you been? All of us were waiting for you for hours now!" I whisper-yell, not wanting to wake the others. "Calm down Zayn, I'm here now. No need to freak." Harry says casually, shrugging his shoulders and walking to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and chugging half of it. "Calm down? CALM DOWN?! You can't show up at my house after we were waiting for you to arrive, hoping you were okay and then tell me to calm down! You have no right to tell me to not to freak! Of course I'm going to freak Harold! We were all worried sick about you!" I yell, not caring if I woke up the others now. Harry opens his mouth to say something but I just roll my eyes and stomp off to my room. I close my bedroom door behind me and sit down on the edge of my bed. I look at my phone that is on my bed side table and pick it up.

I press the home button and the screen lights up. No messages. I don't get it. I text her earlier and she still hasn't text me back. Where has Noelle gone to? "Zayn? You okay?" I hear Liam's voice behind my door. "Yeah." I say, sighing. My door opens and Liam's head pops in. "You don't seem okay. What happened between you and Harry?" he asks, walking into my room and sitting on my bed beside me. "Well, after you all fell asleep, I went to make some tea and Harry walks in. I asked him where he was and that we were worried about him and he told me to calm down. I couldn't calm down Liam. I was worried something happened. Bradford isn't what it use to be. It's different now. More dangerous. I can't have one or any of my best mates to get hurt." I say, looking at the floor and sighing loudly. "I know you care for us Zayn but we are all big boys. We can take care of ourselves. Maybe just go down there and talk to Harry. Maybe he will have an explanation as to where he was." Liam says, patting my shoulder then walking out. I let his words sink in. I stand up and walk back downstairs.

~Noelle's Pov~

I have been running in the woods for over two hours now, trying to find a damn animal. I'm dying of thirst. While I was at that house with Mr. Peterson, they never fed me. I'm starving!! I stop dead in my tracks and close my eyes. The world is quiet around me. I use my vampire senses and listen really closely and sniff the air. I smile when I smell blood not that far away. When I open my eyes I can tell they are pure red. My smile dies down when I notice that it isn't an animal, it's a human. Damn humans fucking with my hunting. I look closer and see that it's a teenage boy. I walk closer and get a closer view on him. I whistle and he turns around. He smirks at me and I recognize who it is. Leo St. Patrick, one of the most cockiest vampire you will ever meet. "Well, if it isn't little Ellie! How are you babe?" his smirk never leaving his lips. "What do you want Leo?!" I growl, my eyes turning even redder out of pure anger. "Easy love, don't hurt yourself." he chuckles at me. I narrow my eyes at him and pounce. He is on the ground in seconds. I'm sitting on his stomach, my right hand holding both of his wrists above his head and my left hand holding his neck. "Okay if you wanted to straddle me, all you had to do was ask baby-cakes." he winks and smirks again. I lift his head by his neck and slam it back on the ground. I bend my head down so I'm looking him right in the eyes. "Listen to me St. Patrick. you have no right being here! I thought I told you to stay away from me and my family! Why are you here in Bradford?!" I growl at him. He gulps, his eyes wide. I may be small but I am feisty when I want to be.

"I-I'm here with Mr. Peterson. He moved here a few m-months before you d-did. I s-swear I didn't know y-you were g-going to be here." he stammers under my harsh stare. "I'm warning you Leo, stay away from Hunter. You made him who he never wanted to be. He never wanted to kill those people. You changed him and thanks to me and Faith, he is back to who he use to be. Don't bother going after Faith either. She isn't interested. Leave my family, ALONE!" I spit through gritted teeth. I hear  branches crack and I'm off of him in a flash. He uses his vamp speed and has me pinned to a tree faster than I could blink. Both of his hands are wrapped around my neck, my feet dangling to touch the ground and my hands are on his hands, trying to loosen his grip. "How does it feel to be choked, huh? Don't like it do ya?" his eyes grow black. That's the down side of Leo, he isn't one of the good vampires, he was on the dark side for way too many years. There is no changing him back. "Now you listen to me you little twat. I will do what I want, when I want and I will come and go as I please, isn't that right Mr. Peterson?" and just as he says his name, Mr. Peterson walks up behind Leo and smirks. "That's right son." Mr. Peterson puts his hand on Leo's shoulder and they both smile their deadly smile. "Jones, you met my new step son, right?" Mr. Peterson says, looking at Leo then back to me. Leo lets my neck go and I fall limp to the ground. I'm laying on my stomach with my hands around my neck. Leo kicks me in my side, causing me to fall onto my back and wince in pain. Mr. Peterson leans down so he is looking me straight in the face. "Remember what I told you Jones! Stay away from him!" and with that being said, Leo kicks me once more then they run, vampire speed out of the woods. I'm left here, on the ground, in the woods,in pain, all alone.

~Zayn's Pov~

After me and Harry finally talked and we are okay again, we were all watching some more movies. It's really dark out and its pouring out there. I glance out the window, then look back at the TV then take a double take and look out the window again. That's Noelle!! I stand up quickly and run out my front door. She is limping and holding onto her sides. "NOELLE!!" I yell, trying to get her attention. She stops and turns around, still looking at the ground. "Noelle, what's wrong? Where have you been? I text you earlier and..." "I'm sorry Zayn. I can't talk to you anymore." she says, her voice cracking at the mention of my name. "Wh-what? Why not?" I say, a bit hurt that she can't talk to me anymore. "I just can't." she starts to turn away but I grab her arm and it ignites fire inside my heart, electric jolts through my whole body. "Noelle, please look at me." I say, my eyes brimming tears. I don't usually cry a lot but this just breaks my heart. She turns back around but still doesn't look up at me. "Please Elle, please look at me. Show me those beautiful blue eyes of yours."

I say, my voice pleading. She finally looks up at me and I gasp. Her eyes are red and puffy and she has red marks all around her neck. "What happened to you?" I say, softly touching the side of her neck with my right hand. She winces and I take my hand away from her neck. "It's nothing Zayn. Can I please go?" she pleads. I look her dead in the eyes. "Noelle, please tell me what happened? It's obviously something if you're crying!" I say, putting my right hand on her cheek, wiping the tears away. "I'm not crying, it's the rain." she says, closing her eyes causing more tears to escape her eyes. I place both of my hands on her cheeks, wiping her tears away. "Noelle, please look at me, look me in the eyes." and she does. She follows my instructions and looks at me. Her gorgeous blue eyes are rimmed red. Her eyes are puffy and it's a sad sight to see. "I know I've only known you for a couple days but I can tell when you are crying. Please don't cry babe." I say, my voice cracking a little. Her eyelashes flutter and a small side smile, with a little dimple on her left cheek, appears. I look her in the eyes then glance at her lips. I start to lean in and she did to. Her eyes flutter close and mine follow after. Seconds later, I feel her soft lips upon mine, moving in sync. Her petite hands cup my face and mine move down to her waist, puller her body closer to me. We are both standing in the rain, getting soaked, kissing each other and it's safe to say...I think I'm falling for my next door neighbor.

A/N: They kissed!!!! AHH!!! One question....who do you guys picture to be Leo St. Patrick? Also, here is the cast for the other characters:

Noelle Jones- Sasha Pieterse

Faith Jones- Amanda Seyfield

Hunter Jones- Ian Somerhalder

Zayn Malik- himself

Louis Tomlinson- himself

Harry Styles- himself

Niall Horan- himself

Liam Payne- himself

Mr. Peterson- Ryan Reynolds

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