Chapter 4: You Aren't Allowed To See Him Anymore...

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Keep your eyes open for a plot twist mylovelies!!

~Noelle's Pov~

After such a hectic day, it was finally time to go home. Since Harry and Niall never did come back to school, I ended up walking home. Liam and Louis had to stay after school and I couldn't find Zayn. I kept walking for a while and the clouds were starting to get darker.  I hear footsteps behind me and I turn my head. It's Zayn. I turn around and he looks up from his phone. "Oh, hey Noelle!" he says, flashing me a polite smile. "Hey Zayn." I say. He jogs up so he is next to me and we start to walk home together. "So what are your plans for today?" he asks. "Probably get some homework done and rest. I'm pretty tired. What about you?" I say, us still walking towards our houses. "Chill at home. I don't have any homework." he says, smiling. "Lucky!" I say nudging his shoulder. His laugh is, might I say, rather attractive. I look down at the ground and bit my lip, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. We finally reach home, saying our goodbyes and heading our separate ways. I open the door and close it right behind me. The house had an uneasy feel to it.

"Hunter?" I yell. No answer. "Faith?" I yell. No answer. I look all around my house. I head upstairs and there is nobody home. I hop down the stairs and stop dead in my tracks as I reach the living room. There are two figures standing back to me. "W-who are you?" I ask, my whole body tensing. They turn around and soon my whole body relaxes. "Niall, Harry, what are you guys doing in my house?" I say, walking past them and into the kitchen. "We know about you Jones." Harry's deep voice says. I turn around and bump right into him. How can he get that close without me hearing him. I back up a little but he keeps moving towards me. "What do you mean by 'you know about me'?"  I ask, very confused. "You think you can keep a secret from us?" Niall says. I never noticed him being right beside Harry. "Y-you guys are c-confusing me." I say, backing up. "Your little secret. We know. Don't lie to us. You're a vampire." Harry says, closing what little space there was between us. "I have no idea what you are talking about." I say, walking past them and towards the living room. I sensed something wrong about this situation. Just then, my front door opened to reveal a rather large man walking inside. He closed the door and he looked right at me, smirking. 

"Nice to finally meet you Noelle." the man says. "Who the hell are you and why are you in my house?!" I yell, getting annoyed with every passing moment. "I'm Mr. Peterson. I'm the vampire leader. I know who you are Jones. Along with Hunter, Faith, Nicky and Johnny." he says, walking so he is standing right behind Harry and Niall. "I don't know who you are but leave my family out of this." I say through gritted teeth. "Oh don't worry, I know about everything dear. Harry and Niall are here to help me finish what was started." was all he said before both guys tackled me to the floor. Harry knelt up beside my head and held my arms back, Niall holding my feet down with me laying on the floor. I conjured up as much strength I had and kicked Niall off of me and pushing Harry back off my arms. I stood up and ran out of my back door as fast as my vampire speed could take me. "GET HER!!" I heard Mr. Peterson yell. I look behind me and see Harry and Niall running towards me. Just as I face forward again, Niall appears out of nowhere. I run into him and we both plummet to the ground.

Niall pushes me off him and straddles my hips, holding my hands above my head on the ground. I try to push him off but I can't, he's too strong. My breathing is heavy and I see Harry stand above my head, looking down at me. "Sorry, but we know what you are capable of and we can't have you hurting anyone. You brought this upon yourself babe." was the last thing I heard Harry say before Niall sunk his fangs into my neck. I gasped and my body started to shake. He injected his venom into me. My eyes flutter close and everything is silent.

~Zayn's Pov~

I sat on my bed looking at my phone. I texted Niall over an hour ago and he still hasn't messaged me back. I sighed and called Louis.

"Hello?" Louis' voice came through the phone. "Hey Louis, I texted Niall over an hour ago and he hasn't messaged me back. I'm getting worried about him and Harry." I say, running my free hand through my hair. "Me and Liam are almost at your house. We will talk about it when we get there. Bye Zayn." Louis said then hung up. I locked my phone and walked downstairs. When I entered my living room, I seen Niall walking towards my house. I opened the door and Niall stopped walking. "Where the hell have you been Niall?! You and Harry didn't return to school and neither of you have returned any of mine, Liam or Louis' texts or calls." I yelled at him. He sighed and scratched the back of his neck with his right hand, his left one stuffed into his pocket. "Yeah about that, sorry mate. We left for our free class and I guess we lost track of time." Niall said, walking passed me and into my house. I rolled my eyes and walked inside. Soon after me and Niall put on the movie 'The Conjuring', Liam and Louis walked inside. They both notice Niall sitting on my couch and Louis raised an eyebrow, Liam crossing his arms over his chest.

"I can explain lads." Niall said, looking at the two lads. "No need Niall." Liam waved it off and we all sat down and watched some movies, awaiting Harry's arrival.

~Harry's Pov~

I was sitting across the room from a tied-up Noelle. I lean my head back and close my eyes, sighing from all the work she put us through. I hear a muffled scream, causing me to open my eyes and lift my head, looking over across the room. Noelle was indeed awake and she has noticed me looking at her. She glared at me and I got up, walking over to her. I took the duck tape off her mouth, but that was a terrible idea. "Where the hell am I?!" she yells. "Calm down will ya?!" I shouted back at her. Her eyes started to change to red and I haven't seen them that red before. The vein in her neck popped out and her muscles in her arms were growing bigger. She lifted her arms to the sides and the ropes just...broke. 

Within seconds, I was pinned against the wall, Noelle's hands holding my neck. My feet were merely inches off the floor. Man, she is very strong! "Now I'm only going to say this once. Why am I here?" her voice deep, eyes dark red and her fangs are very sharp. I gulp as best as I can with her hands wrapped tight around my neck, feeling the sweat rise onto my skin. "I-I can't br-breath..." I try to say, her grip tightening. With one last squeeze she lets my neck go, my body collapsing to the floor and my hands fly up to my neck, rubbing the sore skin. She leans down so she is looking me in the face. "Tell me Styles. Why am I here?" she seethes. "M-Mr. Peterson knows a-about you. He asked m-me and Niall to b-bring you to h-him." I say as best as I can, still trying to gain back my breath. For a girl vampire, she is fucking strong!

~Noelle's Pov~

I run vamp speed to Mr. Peterson's office and barge through is door. "Well hello the...." "Listen here Mr. Peterson. I'm sick and tired of not getting my answers! Now tell me why I'm here!" I demand. He sighs and runs his hands over his face then looks at me. "Noelle, you are here because you are dangerous. You have killed people in the past. We have to protect Bradford and we can't have you kill any humans. Harry and Niall have lived here for over 94 years. Don't ruin this Jones! The bad vampires are approaching and we have to make sure they don't kill the humans here." he begins. "I don't want you to ruin anything. You have anger issues, you are strong, maybe too strong. Don't do anything you might regret." he scolds. I roll my eyes and walk towards the front door of the house. I hear him behind me. I grab the door knob and feel a huge shock. I jump and let go of the handle. I look back at Mr. Peterson and he has a stomach curdling smirk on his face. "Oh, and one other thing Noelle." he states. I look him dead in the eye and wait for him to continue. "You aren't allowed to see him anymore." WHAT?!

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