Chapter 10: I'm Sorry, Have We Met?

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Noelle's Pov

"Baby, I'm bored." I whispered into Leo's ear. We were currently at the dinner table with the others and it was so boring. Leo has his hand on my thigh and I want to just be alone with him. "Patience Ellie. Dinner is almost ov-" his whispered reply was cut short when my hand travelled slowly up his thigh, towards his manhood. "Baby. I need you." I half whined, half moaned into his ear. Leo took his bottom lip in between his teeth. "Leo, are you alright? You are looking a little paler than usual mate." Carly, another female vampire, asked him. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine. I, um, I just, uh, forgot something. May I be excused?" He tries to keep his voice from breaking. "Go ahead." Mr. Peterson says. He quickly gets up and runs vampire speed into his room, on the very top floor. His bedroom is the only bedroom up there. "Mr. Peterson, may I please be excused also? I'm finished." I say, motioning to my empty plate. He nods his head and I get up and when I'm out of their sight, I run vampire speed up to Leo's room.

When I enter his room, I am slammed against the wall. My hands are pinned above my head and my body pinned by his. "You naughty, naughty girl. You knew that drove me crazy." His mouth was right beside my ear as he said those words. "That was the whole point. I want you Leo. I need you." I spoke with so much lust. He lets my hands go and smashes his lips against mine. Our lips were going rough and fast, filled with hunger and lust for the feel of each other's body. "Don't tease me baby. If you want it, just ask." He moans against my neck. I use my vampire strength and push him so he falls to the ground. I straddle his hips and wrap my hands around his wrists. I pin them above his head and begin attacking his neck in kisses and delicate bites. Let's just say, those delicate bites turned into harsh bites and little more.

Zayn's Pov

"Zayn? You okay lad?" Louis asked me for the hundredth time in the last hour. I just sigh, again, and plop down onto the couch beside Liam. "Zayn, you don't look okay. What's wrong?" Liam says. "It's Noelle. I haven't heard from her in a few weeks. Where is she?" I say, looking hopelessly at my best friends. "Maybe she-" "Hey guys!" Harry and Niall yell while bursting through the door. "Hey. Where were you two?" Liam asks when they come sit on the other couch. "We went out. So, have any of you eaten yet?" Harry asks. We all shook our heads and Niall jumped up from his spot. "Then let's go get some food lads!" He yelled and we all got up and followed him out to the car.

We ended up going to Nando's, Niall's choice obviously. "Hey, I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I tell the guys and only got a couple nods as replies since their mouths were full of food. I stood up and headed to the men's bathroom. After I finished my business, I opened the door of the bathroom to see her beautiful blonde hair in front of me. "Noelle? Is that you?" I ask, a slight smile playing on my lips. When she turns around, her facial expression changed from a smile to a look of confusion. "Oh my god Elle, how are you? I haven't seen you in a while!" I walk towards her a little with my arms out to hug her.

She backs up and puts her hands in front of her to stop me from coming close to her. "I'm sorry, have we met?" She asks me. My arms drop instantly. She doesn't remember me? "Elle, it's me. Zayn Malik. Do you not remember me? You kissed me in the forest like two weeks ago." I remind her, tilting my head to the side slightly and furrowing my eyebrows. "Look, I think you got the wrong girl. I don't know who you are." She says and then she walks away. My head dropped to look at the floor. How can she not know who I am?! She basically made out with me the day she ran into the woods. When I pick my head back up, my heart breaks even more. I see her in the arms of another man. He's kissing her and holding her like I did two weeks ago.

Noelle's Pov

"There you are beautiful!" Leo greets me. "This weird guy just tried to talk to me over by the bathrooms. He knows my name but I have no idea who he is. He claimed I kissed him two weeks ago but I couldn't have because I was with you!" I told him, still confused over this guy. How does he know my name and who is he? "Don't worry about it baby. Now, let's go." He leans down and places a kiss to my lips. I smile and we head out of Nando's.

When we return to the house, we both walk upstairs to his room. I take off my coat and scarf that covered my neck. "Damn it Leo. You can see your teeth marks." I say, looking in the mirror at the two fang holes in my neck from his teeth. Leo walks over behind me and I see him in the mirror. His arms wrap around my waist and his chin rests on my head. "Next time we have sex, please don't use your fangs. These tale forever to heal, even if I'm a vampire." I say, causing an eruption of laughter to escape Leo's mouth. When his laughter calmed down, he began placing sweet kisses to the mark he left. "Oh baby don't lie. You know you loved it!" He growled as he turned me around and started kissing me.

Next thing I know, my legs are around his hips and my hands are in his hair. The room grew hot and his hands began to wonder. When his large hands gripped my bum, my body jolted forward and my lips left his. "Keep your hands to yourself Leo!" I warned him. His response was his low laugh and a kiss to my cheek. "Don't worry. I don't need to use my hands for anything. You'll just come begging for my touch!" His cocky inner ego probably grew at my response, which was me rolling my eyes and kissing him hard on the lips. I jumped down from his arms and bit my bottom lip.

Since I was wearing one of his button down shirts, I slowly began to unbutton the top buttons. "I don't think I'll be the one begging here Leo." I glanced down at the buttons then back into his eyes. By now, Leo had me pinned on his bed. "Don't be a tease Noelle. You know what happened last time." He warned me. I gripped his collar and brought his ear down by my mouth. "Then teach me a lesson, big boy!" My voice was mixed with seduction, lust, moans and want. His growl and quick movements to undress me, were all I needed to know what was happening next.

(Awe poor Zayn. Noelle doesn't remember him. Since I don't plan ahead of what to write, what do my readers want to happen to Leo, Noelle and Zayn? What do you want to see happen to them? Comment or pm me ideas :) I'm open to anything!)

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