𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧?

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it is another friday night that cecilia has to spend eating dinner with her grandparents. a lot has been on her mind. miles has been acting weird this week and has been ignoring her. she tries to think back and see if she said anything wrong, but she can't think of anything. her thoughts were interrupted by her grandfather.

"dinner was lovely, emily" he says. cecilia never understand why he complimented her grandma instead of the chef.

"mira does make a perfect cassoulet" her grandma says. cecilia looked up in confusion. she tried to keep up with the chefs name, but so many of them come and go.

"i thought the cook was heidi" cecilia asks. her grandma looks at her.

"oh,no, we let heidi go months ago. she had a problem closing things -- the door, the refrigerator" she says before richard interrupts her.

"the liquor bottle" he says. the gilmore girls simply nod. "

"then it was trina, then sophia" her grandma says.

"oh i like sophia" richard says.

"you did not" her grandma argues. richard looks up in confusion.

" i didn't?" he asks.

"she was the one who sang" emily tells her husband.

"that's right- terrible woman" he realizes.

"and after sophia we had aton" emily continues. cecilia could care less about this conversation.

she was more concerned about miles. he hasn't spoken to her this week and she doesn't know if she is still coming to his house to work on the project. she needed to call him.

after the conversation continues for a while she finally speaks up. "um grandma? grandpa? may i be excused? i need to make a call" cecilia asks her grandparents.

"to whom?" grandpa asks.

"oh my friend miles. we are supposed to work on a project for school after tonight's dinner, so i just wanted to call to confirm" she says. technically she isn't lying. she just wants to hear his voice.

"oh, well if it's for school, then yes" her grandpa says. she mumbles a quiet 'thank you' before heading the kitchen. she has his home phone number memorized. she dials and waits for someone to pick up.

"hello? forbes residence"
"oh? hi mrs.forbes. it's cecilia"
"oh hey sweetie! do you need to talk to miles?"
"yes ma'am. if you don't mind"
"not at all sweetheart! here let me get him"

the waiting and silence is killing her.

"miles! hey it's cel. i was just calling to ask if we are still on for tonight"
"oh, i forgot about that. um yeah sure"

cecilia • gilmore girlsWhere stories live. Discover now