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song of the chapter: crosses by josé gonzález——————————————————————————

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song of the chapter: crosses by josé gonzález

"cel, wake up"

cecilia is abruptly woken up by her sister who is up way too early for a saturday.

"mmm" cecilia groans and puts her pillow on top of her face, trying to ignore her sister.

"cecilia. wake up" rory edges on. cecilia rolls her eyes and takes the pillow off her face to look at her older sister.

"rory, what's wrong?" cecilia looks at her sister with a mix of confusion and frustration for being waken up early.

"nothing, i just want to get started. i made a list of all the things we say we're going to do on the weekend but then when the weekend comes around mom says they're too boring to actually do one a weekend day, so then you say we'll do them during the week, which of course we never do. so, i think that we should get them all out of the way today once and for all. and to make it interesting, we should come up with like a reward system so once we're done with everything on the list we could go get manicures or we could go to the swiss place for fondue for dinner or we could stuff our purses full of sour patch kids and milk duds and go see the stars hallow elementary school production of who's afraid of virginia woolfe'" rory rambles, not stopping to take a breath.



"breathe" cecilia says with a giggle. she knows her sister better than anyone. she knows her sister is gonna find ways to distract herself from last night.

"give me five minutes and i will meet you downstairs and we will start on our list. okay?" she tells her sister who nods with a smile and heads downstairs.

cecilia gets out of bed and turns to look at the time. her eyes grow wide.

"rory?! it's 6 in the morning?!"


cecilia walks downstairs with her mom behind her.

"it's too early for this" her mom complains.

"mom come on. we need to be there for rory" cecilia says. her mom grabs her arm and turns her around to face her.

"listen. this is sweet that you are being here for you sister, but just don't..." she sighs. "just don't forget about how your night went last night. okay?"

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