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Chapter 11:

Jiang Shulan was slightly stunned and her face was so hot. "I do."

The eyes were opposite, and the eyes of both sides met and moved their eyes together.

This made Jiang Xiuzhen and Director Yu, who were eavesdropping at the door of the office outside. They couldn't help looking at each other and laughed together.

One is that I'm worried that my sister-in-law is always in a bumpy marriage, and finally meets her suitable partner.

One of them finally solved the problem of Comrade Zhou's marriage. Director Yu thought that he could finally explain it to the old leader.

The next moment.

The door was suddenly opened.

Jiang Xiuzhen and Director Yu staggered together and almost fell in.

The two were suddenly shocked and bumped into Jiang Shulan and Zhou Zhongfeng's clear eyes.

"Acise? Is it over?"

Jiang Xiuzhen couldn't help rubbing her hands and asking.

Jiang Shulan blushed and gave her an angry look, "Sister-in-law!"

How do you eavesdrop!

As soon as Jiang Xiuzhen looked at her sister-in-law's coquettish and shy appearance, she knew that it was eight or nine times. She couldn't help laughing, "I'm not worried about you, a bad girl!"

Director Yu next to him also followed the description, "I too. I'm worried about Comrade Zhou!"

After saying that, both of them followed, "Why don't you two go out for a walk?"

What can I know about this hour?

Going out for a walk may be able to know more, which also helps to increase the relationship between the two sides.

Jiang Shulan looked up at Zhou Zhongfeng.

Zhou Zhongfeng thought for a moment and asked, "Comrade Jiang Shulan, how about you?"

Jiang Shulan nodded.

The two left the office one after another.

Director Yu and Director Jiang saw them away and couldn't help sighing, "The two are really right."

The gay men are as straight as pine, and the lesbians are beautiful.

What a pair of people.

Jiang Xiuzhen withdrew her eyes for a long time, "I don't know how beautiful their children should be in the future."

Some can't imagine.

When Jiang Shulan, who was walking in front of him, couldn't help but have a hot face. Thinking of asking each other how many before, he didn't know where the courage came from.

Zhou Zhongfeng also coughed uncomproperly, "Comrade Jiang--"

"Comrade Zhou--"

The two of them opened their mouths together.

"Why don't you, let's talk about it first?"

Zhou Zhongfeng Road.

Jiang Shulan thought for a moment and whispered, "Let's stop comrades. Just ask me to call Jiang Shulan!"

Zhou Zhongfeng looked down at her and cleared his voice, "Jiang Shulan!"

"Zhou Zhongfeng!"

Obviously, they are all ordinary names. When they are shouted out of the other party's mouth, they feel differently.

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