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Chapter 263:

After Jiang Shulan hung up the phone, she fell into meditation.

"Shu Lan? What's wrong?"

After waiting for Shu Lan to go back for a long time, Ma Fengxia ran out and greeted her.

Jiang Shulan smiled and said, "It's okay. Even my family is also asking about the contract system of family co-production."

Now, Ma Fengxia's eyes lit up, "How did you answer to them?"

Jiang Shulan, "I think this is feasible, so let my family go directly to the production team to contract land."

Ma Fengxia, "Can you tell me why?"

"Because it's always right to follow the organizational policy."

As soon as this fell, Ma Fengxia quickly made a decision, "It's done. I know my family came to me. How can I reply to them?"

Jiang Shulan hummed, "Everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones now, and it can only be said to be walking slowly."

"But I think the country will never cheat the people."

Jiang's family.

The third brother of the Jiang family hung up the phone and ran all the way home. It was only in October that they had put on a cotton-padded jacket in the northeast.

He held a cotton-padded jacket in his hands to avoid leakage and went home breathlessly all the way.

The whole family is waiting for his result.

"What did Shu Lan say?"

As soon as the third brother of the Jiang family came back, the family asked closely.

"Shu Lan said that it can be contracted. Since the organization speaks, it's right for us to follow the organization."

As soon as he said this, the Jiang family couldn't help getting excited.

"That's fine."

The answer was the eldest brother of the Jiang family. He immediately stood up and held his fist in his hand. "I'm going to contract 30 mu, no, 50 mu."

For farmers, land is their most intimate thing.

Looking at the excited look of the eldest brother of the Jiang family, Jiang took a sip of dry smoke and put the cigarette bag pot next to the edge of the table, knocking loudly.

"Fifty acres? Can you grow it alone?"

"Moreover, I don't know how much a family can contract at most. Do you want as much as you want?"


At once, he poured a basin of cold water on the eldest brother of the Jiang family, and he calmed down in an instant, "Dad? So do that?"

He has a handful of strength, and the only thing he can do is to farm.

For the eldest brother of the Jiang family, there are two lucky things in his life. The first thing is to become Jiang's father's eldest son, and the second thing is to marry Jiang Xiuzhen, a capable and illiterate daughter-in-law.

Jiang's father didn't say anything and looked at Jiang Xiuzhen, "Xiuzhen, you are also a father-in-law. Is there a limited amount of land that can be contracted by each family?"

Jiang Xiuzhen nodded, "The most important thing is the limitation on the length of land, not the quantity, but I think it is impossible for each family to have no restrictions. In the end, our commune will definitely be divided according to each family."

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