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Chapter 49:

Jiang Shulan couldn't help smiling. She was very happy. "I didn't expect the director to be so good. I was two hours late. He not only didn't scold me, but also asked me to go late."

"You don't have to call me in the morning."

In case you call her, you won't even get up early.

Seeing that she was happy, Zhou Zhongfeng's face was also a little soft. He turned his head and looked at her quietly and smiled, "Don't you have to get up early. Are you so happy?"

Jiang Shulan couldn't help nodding and leapingly, "You don't know. I'm angry. I'm really dead to get up early in the morning."

She felt that six o'clock was the limit. Going to work at 3:30 really killed her half of her life.

If it hadn't been for the job, she wouldn't have got up early.

Zhou Zhongfeng looked at her quietly for a moment and whispered, "As long as you are happy." That's worth it.

"What?" His voice was so low that Jiang Shulan didn't hear clearly. She couldn't help looking up at him and asked again.

Zhou Zhongfeng's eyes flashed, and he asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Jiang Shulan shook her head and said, "I haven't yet. Xiao Liu sent two meat buns."

She took it out from behind and wrapped it in oil paper. "Munt, there are two meat buns here. Let's just make clear soup tonight."

Finally, she doesn't have to rely on Zhou Zhongfeng to raise, and she doesn't have to wait to sit in the sky. It feels good to earn money and get a salary by herself.

Zhou Zhongfeng stared on the two meat buns for a moment, and his eyes were obscure. "Why didn't you eat it in the canteen while it was hot?"

The staff in the canteen has always been good.

Jiang Shulan shook her head and said, "We haven't made meat buns yet. Let's eat them together."

Obviously, it's ordinary, but it sounds particularly beautiful in Zhou Zhongfeng's ears. "Well, I still want a salad cucumber."

The cucumbers mixed with Jiang Shulan are extremely delicious, sour and crispy, and it is extremely refreshing in this hot summer.

Jiang Shulan was in a good mood and immediately agreed, "No problem." Looking at the clothes hanging all over the yard, she smiled and said, "Allow you to sign a dish as a reward for washing clothes."

She had accumulated clothes at home for two days, but she didn't have time to wash them. Unexpectedly, Zhou Zhongfeng washed all the clothes.

Zhou Zhongfeng thought for a moment, "That's it."

Where is this? It's just that Jiang Shulan is on duty all day. Cold cucumber salad is the simplest. You don't even need to turn on the fire. Just shoot the sourness directly.

Jiang Shulan felt that Zhou Zhongfeng was easy to support. She immediately took the dishes from home and was going to the one next door to exchange two cucumbers.

As a result, when I accidentally saw the seeds planted in my yard the days before, there was also a trembling seedling seedling.

"Oh, all our dishes have come out." Jiang Shulan said in surprise. She squatted down and took her fingers to remove the little seedlings.

As soon as the Miaomiaos showed their heads, their thumbs were high and tender green, which looked particularly pleasant.

Zhou Zhongfeng, "The rainstorm came out a few days ago."

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