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Chapter 22:

[That's what you think, he finally disappeared, but in the moment before he died of suffocation, he still remembered that Shu Shu was bullied by the Zou family.]

[But it's wrong. Since he is looking for Shu Shu, Shu Shu will definitely save him when he sees asthma, and he will not watch others die.]

[What if Shu Shu is not next to him and there is another person next to him?]

[What do you mean? Is there another person beside him? Did another person who didn't save him?]

[Who is it? Who was around him at that time? Why didn't you save him? Watch him die with your eyes.]

[The hair is creepy, and I'm extremely afraid!]

The first person to issue the bullet screen suddenly calmed down.

[I dare not say it. I'm afraid that I will be sprayed by some fans for three generations. If you don't believe it, go and refresh the plot again to see if I'm lying. Although the plot was not mentioned directly, the details could be observed. Someone was at home at that time.]

This once again caused a lot of silence.

[I have a bad guess!]

[Me too! Don't be what I thought!]

[Well, let's not ask the murderer, let's ask the most realistic one.]

[How old was Jiang Ping'an in the end?]

[Three days before the age of 18, 18 years old.]

[...Heartache, I'm too young.]

[Yes, Jiang Ping'an is the only person in the play called a short-lived genius.

Some people commented that if Jiang Ping'an was there, what kind of genius would Zou Yang, the eldest brother of the Zou family, be? Little sister Zou Mei, that's just a actor who climbs to the top, is not good. As for the third brother of the Zou family who came back from abroad, there is no need to mention it.

Anyway, for Jiang Ping'an, if he is alive, he alone is enough to crush the whole young generation of the Zou family. It is a nightmare for everyone in the Zou family, Shu Shu's most powerful support, and will also be a boss who has contributed to the organization in physics.]

The bullet screen suddenly calmed down. They all knew, but Jiang Ping'an was gone.

Everything is gone.

Jiang Shulan's relaxed face was when she finished watching the bullet screen above the little iron egg's head.

She tightened in an instant, and her face suddenly turned snow white. She never thought that the little iron egg could not live to be 18 years old!

Jiang Shulan couldn't accept this result. She grew up with a little iron egg and looked at him as half a child.

However, he disappeared at a young age and hadn't even grown up.

Jiang Shulan didn't know why Xiao Tiedaner finally went to Zou's house to find him. Why did she get sick? What would be gone on the spot?

Who watched the little iron egg suffocate and die?

No way!

She can't accept this result. She wants to save the little iron egg!

When Jiang Shulan was meditated, Zhou Zhongfeng held her cold and trembling hand.

Jiang Shulan looked up at him in a daze.

Zhou Zhongfeng patted her soothingly, then turned his head and looked at Jiang's father and thought, "Are you sure the child is asthma?"

Stepmother Sees The Bullet Screen [MTL]Where stories live. Discover now