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Chapter 257:

Jiang Shulan was obviously stunned when she saw this bullet screen.

Will the college entrance examination resume in November this year?

When she heard the news, her heart couldn't help banging.

If the college entrance examination really starts to resume in November this year, she has studied for so many years.

After waiting for so many years, is there finally a result?

Jiang Shulan couldn't help standing up and couldn't help clenched her hands a little.

The noise next to him and An An were shocked.

The two subconsciously looked over.

"Mom, mom, what's wrong with you?"

The shouts of the two children made Jiang Shulan recover in an instant.

She subconsciously raised her hand to cover her heart and jumped on her fast chest and explained to the child, "It's okay."

However, my heart is not as calm as I seem.

Are you really going to resume the college entrance examination?

Jiang Shulan was not sure, because the college entrance examination had been suspended for too many years, so long that she even had to give up.

When Jiang Shulan was suspicious, the bullet screen was also suspicious.

[Upstairs, will you say it wrong? Isn't the college entrance examination in summer?]

[Yes, is the time of the college entrance examination every year on June 7th, 8th and 9th? Upstairs, it is said that November is winter, right? There has never been a college entrance examination held in winter.]

[At a glance, you don't understand. Let me popularize science for you. As the first year of resuming the college entrance examination, it is of certain speciality. It was notified that the resumption of the college entrance examination on October 21, 1977, and the real examination time was from November 28 to November 30th of the following month. These three days were also known as future generations. For the most unforgettable day.]

As soon as the bullet screen broke out, it suddenly calmed down.

I don't know how long it took for a bullet screen to suddenly pop up.

[So there is only one month to review from the notice to resume the college entrance examination to officially take the exam?}

[Yes, so this college entrance examination is also known as the most difficult college entrance examination in history.]

It's not because the topic is difficult, but because it's caught off guard.

After stopping the college entrance examination for so many years, many people suddenly notified the resumption of the college entrance examination after giving up textbooks.

This is unexpected for many people, because there is only one month from notification to exam, which is too urgent.

But even so, no one gave up.

[Seeing this, I suddenly felt that Shu Shu and their generation were actually so difficult.]

[Yes, you see, we have been in high school for three years for the college entrance examination. In the past three years, all teachers have served us, and even parents are giving in service for us. However, you are reading Shu Shu Shu. If you don't have time, no conditions, no books, you will go directly to the battlefield. Compared with them, I We are much happier.]

Stepmother Sees The Bullet Screen [MTL]Where stories live. Discover now