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Chapter 136:

She was obviously surprised by Commissar Song's words.

Jiang Shulan was going to hand in the canned recipe, but the reward she thought of. It's just that the army is giving her a well-prepared job.

Transfer from the canteen to the factory, and the position in this establishment is not low.

It may even be a leadership position among the four factories.

However, she never thought that the troops would pay so directly.

Commissar Song nodded, took out the two contracts and handed them to her, "You can take a look first and sign them if there is no problem."

The ink on the stationery has been dry, revealing the strong and powerful characters on it.

The words of the political commissar of the Song Dynasty are as fair as his people.

Jiang Shulan finished reading it quickly. After reading it, she pinched the writing paper and subconsciously said, "And the vegetable factory, give me dividends?"

Why does she think it's so unreal?


"The recipes of the cannery and vegetable factories were established by you, so the army arranged dividends for you."

This is rare.

Jiang Shulan still felt a little untrue. She asked Zhou Zhongfeng standing next to her to testify.

Zhou Zhongfeng nodded, "The meeting was unanimously approved."

It means that you can sign it with confidence and boldness.


Jiang Shulan was silent and didn't delay it. She picked up the pen directly and brushed her name on two pieces of paper.

"All right."

Hand the writing paper to Commissar Song.

Commissar Song said, "Two in duplicate, you can leave one by yourself, and the rest will take it back to the archives to keep."

Jiang Shulan hummed and waited after Commissar Song left.

The regiment commander and Miao Hongyun said together, "Shu Lan, congratulations."

Take the dividend of the troops, this is the first share.

In particular, Miao Hongyun finally understood why her mother-in-law said that the army would not treat Jiang Shulan badly.

Well, the compensation will come immediately.

Jiang Shulan is still confused now. After signing the contract, she still has a little untrue.

After sitting in a chair for pregnant women with her stomach, she was still stunned, "Why is the army so generous this time?"

She handed in the vegetable prescription before, but no one mentioned it!

This time, as soon as the canned recipe was given, the other party directly gave her the dividend.

To be honest, where is the dividend?

This is simply a golden hen who can lay golden eggs.

Seeing that she was in a bad mood, Zhou Zhongfeng gave her a coconut to reduce the fire. "The army had a plan before, but it has not measured the goodness. This time, the canned prescription you handed in is too precious, so the quantity change produces qualitative changes, so you can have these two contracts."

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