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Chapter 121:

As soon as this fell, Jiang Shulan subconsciously looked over.


She hasn't seen the chief for a long time since she left the canteen.

What she didn't expect was that the chief executive would come to her door.

This is very strange.

As we all know, the Chief of the Secretary has been almost alone in the army over the years. He has not played well, and there is no gang.

What's more, I won't visit any family member.

So, how can Jiang Shulan not be surprised?

"Well, it's me."

The secretary looked at Jiang Shulan's big belly and couldn't help but beating. Such a thin person didn't know how to hang up. He was such a big belly.

No wonder Commander Zhou is worried about Jiang Shulan.

"I have nothing wrong with you. Don't worry, don't be stressed."

Then he looked at Li Limei beside him, "Is this the patriarch of the Li nationality?"

Li Limei nodded. She had learned something and knew that the one in front of her was the chief secretary.

"I am."

She carried a large basket of fruits on her arm and looked a little vigilant.

It should be said that except for Jiang Shulan, the people in the army are very vigilant.

Especially men.

The Chief Secretary, "Then let's go in and discuss it together?"

This is mainly anti-customer, and I'm going to discuss it with Jiang's house.

Jiang Shulan couldn't help looking at the chief.

The Secretary, "What's the matter? At least we are also colleagues. Are you so unwelcome to my door?"

"Sid General, where are you?"

Jiang Shulan held Jiang's mother's arm and led the way in front of her. "Come in quickly."

After saying that, I didn't forget to look back.

Secretary, "Don't look at it. Your group leader Zhou has gone to a meeting with people and can't come back for a while. I'm here with a task. I'll come to ask you something."

After entering the yard.

The secretary couldn't help looking at the dishes in the yard, lush, red and green, and looked quite pleasant.

There is also a small pavilion next to it. Nothing has been planted yet. It looks bare, but it has a different taste.

"Your yard is good."

It's well organized. If he remembers correctly, it will only take a few months for Jiang Shulan and others to move in.

Jiang Shulan smiled and led the secretary into the hall, while Jiang's mother went to pour water.

Jiang's father was reading in the backyard. Hearing what was going on, he couldn't help coming out and taking a look.

At a glance, I saw the appearance of the chief secretary and looked at it for a long time.

He subconsciously walked over and was going to get the secretary's wrist to control the pulse.

After all, the secretary was a practitioner, and subconsciously avoided it.

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