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Chapter 146:

This sentence fell.

When Zhou Zhongfeng subconsciously raised his hand and lifted the swaddling baby and saw the obvious cow.

He frowned slightly, "Didn't you say that the round belly is your daughter?"

Why did you give birth to two children?

Even the clothes in their family are all about the little girl's.


That's a good question.

Luo Yuqiu couldn't answer the question. For a long time, she held her breath, "Who do you blame for your own seeds?"

I have never seen this kind of father. The child doesn't answer it. He said it was a boy, but he didn't believe it. He had to uncover his swaddling baby to see the cow.

The moment I saw Niuniu, I obviously frowned.

Don't think that the doctor didn't see it. He didn't like his son and wanted a daughter.

Sure enough, Luo Yuqiu said this.

Zhou Zhongfeng was embarrassed in an instant. His seeds were good, but when the whole family thought it was a daughter, the two daughters became two sons.

Who can stand this gap?

Next to him, Jiang's mother said, "Hello, son. Son will protect his mother in the future."

Zhou Zhongfeng really wants to say that he can protect it and needs this little bean diced.

However, in front of my father-in-law and mother-in-law, there is not much to say.

However, at the moment Jiang Shulan was launched, Zhou Zhongfeng subconsciously put the child in Jiang's father's arms.

Leng Bing held a child's father Jiang, "???"

Where's the child's father?

The child's father went to find his wife.

Sure enough, as soon as Jiang Shulan came out, Zhou Zhongfeng greeted her. He looked down at Shu Lan's beautiful face, and her hair was close to her cheeks as if she had been taken out of the water.

The moment I saw Zhou Zhongfeng.

Jiang Shulan couldn't help it and whispered, "Zhou, center, I hurt."

The voice was a little crying.

It really hurts.

Zhou Zhongfeng couldn't hold back his tears before. He lowered his head and kissed Shu Lan's forehead. His voice was hoarse, "If you don't give birth, I won't give birth again."

One experience is enough.

He doesn't want to experience it again, and he doesn't want Shu Lan to experience it again.

Jiang Shulan was stunned when she heard this.

After all, when the island was full of blessings and daughters, Zhou Zhongfeng said this, which surprised her.

I won't give birth.

Does Zhou Zhongfeng know what the latter meaning represents?

Jiang Shulan remained silent, and even the pain fluttered for a moment.

The nurse next to him said, "I'm not going to talk about it at the door. I pushed the mother to the ward. You can say whatever you want, but it's better to let the mother have a good rest."

As soon as they said this, everyone recovered.

Zhou Zhongfeng took Shu Lan's hand tightly by the side of the hospital bed.

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