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Chapter 247:

An An's move stunned Zhou Zhongfeng and Jiang Shulan, and the two quickly exchanged their eyes.

Zhou Zhongfeng immediately squatted down and tried to put it on the same level as An An. "You mean, give me the flowers and change your brother?"

An An stretched a steamed bun face and nodded, "Is that okay?"

Zhou Zhongfeng suddenly smiled and asked, "Why do you exchange flowers for your brother?"

An An'an's little face was puzzled, "Is it my brother?"

Brother must be more important than Huahua.

This made Zhou Zhongfeng's injury to his eldest son be healed in an instant.

"That's good, that's right. I know my brother and friend."

An An doesn't understand, but in his opinion, Huahua has been given to his father, and his father didn't refuse, that is, he agreed to exchange flowers for brothers.

He took the noisy hand happily and asked him to stand up, "Let's go--"

"Wait a minute."

The two children looked over at the same time. An An, you have to be deceptive.

Zhou Zhongfeng almost smiled angrily and carried the noisy back neck, "What did you call me before?"

As soon as his eyes turned, "Wild Dad."

"Then what are you shouting now?"


"Call again."


Now, Zhou Zhongfeng was satisfied, so he let the trouble down.

It's just that he will be willing to let go.

It's noisy but reluctant.

An An looked and thought for a moment, squatted down, lay in his ear, and whispered, "Dad can eat people."

As soon as he said this, he looked at Zhou Zhongfeng suspiciously, quickly got up, patted his buttocks, took his brother's hand sharply, and ran away.

As soon as they go.

Zhou Zhongfeng twitched the corners of his mouth. Why did he eat people?

Then, the next second, An An was heard whispering and muttering, "Dad eats mom."

"Really, I saw it."

It hurts to bite your mouth.

Center Zhou, "..."

Jiang Shulan, "..."

Jiang Shulan quickly blushed and couldn't help pushing the center next week, "Let you know the moderation. Now it's good. The children know."

It's killing people.

Zhou Zhongfeng had a black face and did not forget to comfort Shu Lan, "No, what do they know?"

"They don't know anything. I'll arrange them to go to the next room tonight."

Sleep in separate rooms.

Jiang Shulan looked up in an instant, "No, it's too small."

I haven't officially celebrated two birthdays yet.

"That's it."

Zhou Zhongfeng tidied the tone, "The boy just needs to exercise independently early. Shu Lan, you can't spoil the child too much."

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