Chapter 1: Treasure

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It was cold and rainy out and a young girl who was only the tender age of 16 set out with her newborn baby girl in her arms.

The young girl reached the outskirts of Lothlórien and set her baby down under a bush knowing there she'd be safe. "I'm so sorry little one" she whimpered and lightly kissed her baby on the forehead before running off.

It took everything the young girl had not to turn around when she heard the tiny cries of her infant daughter slowly growing quieter the more she ran.

•An hour later•

Lady Galadriel went out on one of her evening strolls through the forest, her glowing figure sauntered through the wood with the grace of a dove and the radiance of an angel. Her beauty was so immense not even an orc could look upon her without having their breath slightly taken.

As Galadriel walked along she heard the faintest whimper somewhere nearby this immediately pricked her keen elvish ears. Galadriel walked on and the whimpers and titters became a little louder... when out of the blue Galadriel stumbled upon the most unlikely thing.

"Where'd you come from?" Galadriel asked gently as she knelt down to pick up the wee babe. Galadriel cradled the small child in her arms and the baby's cries ceased. As Galadriel stood she looked around for any sign of another being that could've left the baby, but there was no one.

Lady Galadriel looked down at the baby in her arms and decided right then if no one came back to claim the baby then she'd raise the child herself.

Galadriel made her way back to her home, except now she had company.

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The guards stood outside the doors of Galadriel and Celeborns palace as usual when they saw their queen coming from a distance. They thought nothing of this till she got closer and they noticed the baby in her arms.

Galadriel stopped just in front of the doors waiting for the guards to open them, but after a few moments of the guards just staring at her in confusion and shock she spoke up.

"The doors.." Galadriel muttered.. "oh.. s-sorry m'lady.." the guard stuttered and opened the door. Galadriel went through the doors and they shut gently behind her.

Straight to Celeborns study Galadriel went with the tiny infant, Galadriel walked straight in, interrupting Celeborn from his work. "Galadriel... nin meleth" Celeborn said as he set down his quill and stood up to meet his wife. "How was your w-" Celeborn stopped short when he noticed the baby his wife was carrying.

"Walk..." Celeborn finished awkwardly "where'd you obtain this?" Celeborn asked "on my stroll... I was walking along when I heard the tiniest of whimpers and I looked and saw this poor thing under a bush" Galadriel explained.

Celeborn listened to his wife's story "she was all alone?" He asked in surprise, Galadriel shook her head no "she was all by her lonesome" Galadriel replied as she let the baby hold her index finger.

"What ever will we do? Is she an elf?" Celeborn asked Galadriel pushed the blanket back from the baby's head to reveal her ears.. and they did not bear the trademark pointed tip that all elf ears sported. "She's a human" Galadriel said surprised, Celeborn was also shocked.

Celeborn was now more perplexed at what to do with this... issue... if you could call it that. "Galadriel... we can't-" Celeborn started but was quickly interrupted by his wife "we can and we will.." Galadriel said matter of factly "if no one claims her within the next month we will raise her as our own" Galadriel added.

Celeborn sighed and accepted his fate... what his wife said went.

•That night•

Galadriel sat on her bed the baby laying on the silk sheets in front of her, Galadriel tickled the baby's tummy and listened to her beautiful, melodious giggle that made Galadriel smile and laugh herself.

Celeborn came into he and Galadriels shared bedroom, he smiled slightly as he watched his wife have fun with the new guest. Celeborn went and laid on the bed next to his wife and the baby.

"What shall we name her?" Galadriel asked as she continued to playfully poke and tickle the baby. "It's best not to get too attached nin meleth" Celeborn replied "what if her family comes to reclaim her?" Celeborn added.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it Celeborn" Galadriel replied with a small hint of malice and Celeborn immediately knew to not press the matter anymore. "Now help me think of a name" Galadriel said, Celeborn sighed, "How about Aradïr? My mothers name" Celeborn suggested.

"That's nice but I was thinking something that's just hers... something that didn't belong to someone before her.. something.. all her own" Galadriel explained. "Like what?" Inquired Celeborn.

Galadriel thought for a moment then smiled "Y/N" Galadriel said. Celeborn smiled "that's perfect" Celeborn replied.

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