Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 The Proud of the Heavens kneels and begs to collect the author's column! Love……

    On this day, many employees of Shen's Group knew that the chairman's wife had a big fight in the chairman's office, and even had a big quarrel with the chairman. In the end, general manager Shen Qinglin went over to mediate and it was useless. The few employees privately asked what was going on in the group, but no one made it clear.

    The assistant to the chairman and the assistant to the general manager know that the chairman is going to divorce, but this kind of thing cannot be said casually. When the matter does not have a complete result, they will pay the legal price for speaking out.

    But they are all assistants, and they all know that the chairman's wife signed a prenuptial agreement with the chairman. This prenuptial agreement is the asset of the director group, so even if the chairman and his wife get divorced, it will not have any impact on the group. , this is not everyone's concern.

    As for why the chairman signed a prenuptial agreement with the chairman's wife back then, that was also the idea of ​​a rich man, and no one else knows.

    Things in the circle always spread very quickly. By the next day, the circle was full of things about the divorce between Shen Wei, chairman of the Shen Group, and his wife, Chu Tianzi. Lawyer Zhang had already drafted a divorce contract. Well, even delivered to the Chu family.

    That's right, after Chu Tianzi had a big fight with Shen Wei, she went back to her parents' house. Naturally, she and her parents' family cried in every possible way, and also wanted to find a way to save her husband. It's just that people like Shen Wei, once they decide something, naturally they don't. Will compromise, many people call Shen Wei to persuade, inside and outside the words are husband and wife a hundred days a day, divorced at such an old age, did not make Shen Wei soft.

    Even the Gu family knew about this. In response, the Gu family informed the elders of the matter when they had breakfast.

    "Dad, it seems that the matter of Brother Shen's divorce this time is really well thought out, otherwise, there will be no gossip outside." It is not easy

    for the family to be involved in other family affairs. It is only because of the in-law relationship. Naturally Yes, he will pay attention. Gu Feng knows a lot about the Shen family, so in addition to his emotions, he also feels that this divorce is normal.

    After Chu Tianzi suffered from depression, she had a lot of trouble, so Shen Wei was able to endure it all the time and put it on others, fearing that she would get divorced early.

    When the two elders of the Shen family were kicked out of the house by Chu Tianzi, Gu Feng not only knew about it, but even when the two elders moved, Gu Feng went to send them, so he has always been a little uncomfortable with Chu Tianzi. like.

    "Don't worry too much about this matter, Shen Wei has his own ideas, and when the dust settles, he will naturally tell us, but Xi He hasn't gone home recently, so you two, being parents, don't worry about it. What?"     Mr. Gu didn't like to talk about other people's family affairs behind his back, so he brought up his granddaughter Gu Xihe, who hasn't been home recently. Thinking of his old friend's jokes, he felt a little unbelievable.     "Xihe should live by her side. Every time she is busy with a big project, she always has to rest for a while." Mother Gu knows her daughter, but she is not very worried about her daughter not coming home at this moment, and she is with Gu Xihe. The driver, Uncle Wang, is in touch.     "Well, she's been amazing recently. She has taken down a big project of several hundred million. Now everyone outside is praising her for having the demeanor of your father, and women are not allowed to be men!" Gu's father mentioned his daughter, His face was full of pride. While praising his daughter, he also praised his own father.     The old man Gu was naturally happy when he heard it, and the wife beside him also raised his eyebrows with a smile.     "Of course, Xihe this girl is the most like your father. This company will be handed over to Xihe in the future. Your father is most at ease."     That's how there are few people in this family. There is only one in Gu Feng's generation. After marrying his wife, he gave birth to Gu Xihe and the other. Therefore, the Gu family's property has been accumulating continuously, and it will be handed over to Gu Xihe in the future.     Gu Feng is also fifty years old now. Unlike others, they wish to work in the company until they are in their 70s and 80s. They feel that there is a throne in the company that needs to be passed on. However, the more Gu Feng sees his daughter, the happier he is, and he wishes to hand over the company to his daughter immediately. .

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