Chapter 118

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Chapter 118 Qinglan cub, selling cute online, kneeling and begging to collect the author's column...

    The final result, of course, was that the president, Zheng Yuan, invited Shen Jingwen and Wei Mingjiang to have dinner together. The place he chose was a well-known high-end restaurant in City A. They ate in the private room and talked about business. Shen Jingwen did not dare to promise directly. After confirming that Shen Qinglan nodded, they agreed to go to dinner together.

    The program team was also confused by this situation, and then went to shoot together. On the way, Zheng Yuan learned that Shen Qinglan was shooting a reality show. This reality show is called "Dating in Love with a Baby". Shen Qinglan is quiet. Wen's son, and that Mr. Wei is Shen Jingwen's 'blind date'.

    "I have seen Miss Shen's work before, but I didn't expect that Miss Shen is not only superb in acting, but also so good in children's education. I have never seen such an excellent child. Miss Shen heard what our manager Cheng said. ? Qinglan's computer skills are better than many people in our company's technical department. He is a real genius, and I don't know how Miss Shen was trained."

    Already sitting in the private room, Zheng Yuan expressed her concern for Shen Jingwen, Shen Qinglan. Her mother can be said to be very enthusiastic, mainly used to promote relationships, Shen Jingwen can only smile bitterly.

    "Qinglan learned these things by herself, but I don't know much about it. I'm very busy with work. Usually, Qinglan is at home with the nanny." When

    it came to this, Shen Jingwen felt a little guilty, feeling that she didn't know her son at all. , whether it is the good luck of the son or the ability of the son today.

    Unexpectedly, Shen Qinglan pulled Shen Jingwen seriously.

    "Mom, you bought my first computer, so I learned to program. These are very simple for me, as long as I have touched it, I will learn it. You don't need to worry about it. I usually write some small software for fun. It does n't make any sense."

    Yes, for this body, the unique sensitivity to computers makes him far more capable of programming than others. In this world, you always have to know that some people have achieved something in a certain way, maybe it is Because of hard work, but more comes from talent, that is, talent.

    Just like Shen Qinglan's own good luck, the computer is the talent of this body. Although Shen Qinglan used it for the first time, he was very skilled. He played this easily.


    All the adults present did not know what to say, especially Wei Mingjiang, who had already determined that Shen Qinglan was a genius, but now he is even more certain that Shen Qinglan is a genius, and a five-year-old child can write a hundred Wan's software, what is not a genius?

    If it was said that Shen Qinglan's wealth was based on illusory luck before, then now it is purely based on strength.

    The food will be served soon. At this time, Shen Qinglan is acting like a normal five-year-old child. Wei Mingjiang and Shen Jingwen, who are sitting on both sides of him, will care about what he eats, and he will command the two of them unceremoniously. He looked like an ordinary five-year-old child when he served him vegetables. Who would have thought that this was a little genius?

    After the meal, Zheng Yuan prepared the signing materials, which is the exclusive purchase of Shen Qinglan's code. Of course, if the game is upgraded in the future, Shen Qinglan will also upgrade the code for the game.     In the end, of course, Shen Jingwen signed the contract, and Shen Qinglan was still a minor, so after the contract was signed, one million quickly came over because she learned about Shen Qinglan and the others participating in the show, and of course, the tax had been deducted.     After signing the contract, Zheng Yuan seriously invited Shen Jingwen and Wei Mingjiang to take Shen Qinglan to their company, which of course was very clear.     They really want to know how powerful this five-year-old Shen Qinglan is. You must know that when a few people in the technical department asked anything casually during the meal, Shen Qinglan was able to give an answer quickly, which is really amazing.     "Baby Lanlan wants to go to a game company?"     Shen Jingwen asked, Shen Qinglan didn't care, she thought it was okay to go and have a look.     "Does Uncle Wei want to go?"     Originally, she wanted Shen Jingwen to go on a date with Wei Mingjiang, but now Wei Mingjiang also said to listen to him and go.

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