Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 Heaven's Pride begs to collect the author's column! Love……

    Shen Qinglan didn't know this. He was busy getting to know Gu Xihe's friends. All of these friends were very enthusiastic. He added WeChat to Shen Qinglan and had contact information, saying that he could come out to play when he was free, although Shen Qinglan was only ten years old. At the age of eight, he was really out of tune with them, but since he said he was willing to play with him, it proved that he was willing to let Shen Qinglan join their circle.

    They even set up a small group called a group of 18-year-old male high school students. Gu Xihe, who also joined the group chat, was a little helpless, and deeply felt that his friends had become much naive.

    On the contrary, it was Shen Qinglan, who seemed to be the least childish one.

    Within two days of joining the group, a friend in the group spoke up.

    [Jiang Rong: I want to invest in a movie here, the director named An Xiao. I personally invested 10 million yuan, and there is still a little gap. Who wants to make up for it? ]

    Jiang Rong's family is a movie theater, a national chain. Although it's not the top, it's not bad. Jiang Rong personally opened a small entertainment company to support the little stars, and there are a few companies that can be named. The small traffic, the small days are not bad.

    [Yi Wenzhuo: Don't you fool people in the group? Who doesn't know director An Xiao? Isn't this a famous director who burns money and loses money in the circle? Do not invest in a dog. 】

    【Chu Si: You're right, I still remember that the last time the director's movie was rated less than six, right? Brother Jiang, is your brain flooded? To cast such a money loser? 】

    The people in the group immediately began to jump up and down. It’s true that everyone has money in their hands, but money doesn’t mean stupid. Baidu knows who An Xiao is. Good work, the box office score of the best film is less than 50 million, oh, the investment has exceeded 50 million, this is the loss of even the panties.

    Gu Xihe also went to work in the company recently, but he didn't care to watch it in the group, but Shen Qinglan, who saw this investment during class after going to school, seemed to think of something, so he called Jiang Rong.

    Jiang Rong left Shen Qinglan's phone number and was stunned when he saw the person's name, but he was even more enthusiastic when he answered it.

    "Qinglan, you didn't have class today? Why did you remember to call my brother?"

    It's been a week since we last met, but Jiang Rong really likes a young man like Shen Qinglan. , it is indeed quite suitable to be with Gu Xihe.

    "Brother Jiang, I saw in the group that you wanted to make an investment, do you think I can do it?" As soon as

    Shen Qinglan opened his mouth, Jiang Rong felt a little stunned. Yes, if this is to deceive Shen Qinglan, then when Gu Xihe finds out, won't he tear them up and eat them?

    "Hehe, ah Qinglan, it's like this, I want to invest in a director's film, but you can see what everyone in the group says? This director, he is so unreliable, I'm not I owed him a favor before, and I only invested 10 million yuan. You just returned to Shen's house, right? You don't have much money in your hand, and no matter what, I can't pull you to invest."

    If you make money together, you can pay it back. Well, wouldn't it offend people if you don't make money?

    "Brother Jiang, I have money, is 20 million enough? I also like watching movies, I just want to try and invest. Brother Jiang, take me with you."

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