Chapter 124

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Chapter 124 Qinglan cub, selling cute online, kneeling and begging to collect the author's column...

    When netizens are convinced by Shen Jingwen's beauty, there will also be some black materials secretly online. For example, Shen Jingwen doesn't look hot, but actually has a five-year-old son, who is only 26 years old this year. Shen Jingwen was pregnant at the age of 20! ! !

    This material is actually an old material. It was exposed when Shen Jingwen had just given birth to a child, but at that time Shen Jingwen's TV series was booming, and the crew who signed the contract also lowered their posture, so it is not a demon. There are still people who want the second female star. After all, they are all vicious villains, and some female stars are resolutely unwilling to play bad guys.

    It's just that Shen Jingwen is quite a hit now, so someone said that Shen Jingwen was pregnant before marriage.

    All of a sudden, major online platforms began to say that Shen Jingwen, a female star who was pregnant before marriage, had a bad influence on the public, etc. Anyway, she just stood and talked without back pain.

    Even Shen Jingwen's unmarried pregnancy became a hot search, as if Shen Jingwen was pregnant today!

    Sister Meng and the company have also seen the hot search. Starlight Entertainment is also a veteran company in the entertainment industry. Although Shen Jingwen is not the mainstay of the company, she has also made a lot of money for the company. The most important thing is to be obedient and cooperate with the company. Any activity, don't pick and choose from various businesses. Now that you have such a big resource, Sister Meng is worried that the black material that broke out at this moment is nothing to Sister Meng.

    "Sister Meng...will this affect Qinglan?"

    Shen Jingwen also saw the hot search, but she didn't actually worry about being scolded, even if the scolding below was particularly unpleasant, but she didn't say anything over the years after her debut. After hearing it, I was afraid that my son would be scolded. When I thought of Qinglan being scolded, I felt extremely uncomfortable.

    "I've already made the family look at Qinglan, Qinglan won't know about this, don't worry, I've already prepared for these black materials, I'll suppress it, and I'll cut the scenes you played before. If you get it on the hot search, the people who follow these are not fans at all, this black hot search is here to mess with you, but it doesn't look like your opponent..."

    Sister Meng looked at this sudden hot search and was a little bit confused. Strange, then called someone to check to see who bought this hot search.

    Here, Shen Jingwen received a call from Wei Mingjiang. After seeing the call, Shen Jingwen was stunned, but she still answered.

    "Jingwen, I've read the news, how are you now?"

    Wei Mingjiang asked with concern. He called after seeing the hot search. Although he knew that female stars may have experienced a lot more trouble than these, Wei Mingjiang asked. Still like caring about each other, this may be like.

    You clearly know she's fine, but you can't help but want to speak for her and feel sorry for her.

    "Mingjiang, thank you for your concern, I'm fine now, you know, I'm used to being scolded and hacked in the entertainment industry, I'm just worried that the war will spread to Lanlan after the show is broadcast, I... I'm just like this A son, I'm really worried."

    Only when she encounters Shen Qinglan's incident, Shen Jingwen will be a little less defensive, and Wei Mingjiang over there is here for this.

    "Don't worry, didn't I tell you before? Lanlan's current situation is different from that of ordinary children, and your identity may also affect Lanlan, so it's better not to go to the previous kindergarten, A There are still places in the kindergarten here in the city. I can bring Lanlan to our kindergarten to report. An Ruirui and Xiao Ran are in that kindergarten. I can arrange Lanlan and Xiao Ran in the same class, and our kindergarten is kept secret. The service is very good, and I will never let any paparazzi harass Lanlan, you can rest assured."

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