Chapter 108

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Chapter 108 Qinglan cub, selling cute online, kneeling and begging to collect the author's column...

    The main point of this show is to bring children and fall in love, and want contemporary women to see more education for children and choices for men, so on the first day, it is natural to let everyone get acquainted, and what is better than cooking Is it something that shows a woman's femininity?

    Although this is a bit absolute, in modern society, many people still think that cooking is something women should do, although this is a manifestation of the natural oppression of women. After all, those chefs who are really famous are all men. , There is data to prove that men's strength is more suitable for cooking.

    Therefore, the show uses cooking as the first filming theme. After all, it is already ten o'clock after everyone came, and after diligently getting so many people's meals, they should be able to eat at about twelve o'clock.

    The program team also gave everyone the ingredients and materials they had prepared, and then got all kinds of face-to-face looks.

    Xiao Hongzhu is the oldest among the women and also a senior, she said directly.

    "Now that there are so many people, we adults can eat whatever we want, but children must eat better. Although I am not very good at cooking, I can still be responsible for children's meals. How about we choose three people to be responsible for children's meals together? ?"

    She's actually not very good at cooking, but so many people in the show team didn't plan to help, so she couldn't let her son go hungry.

    "Okay, I don't know how to cook either, it's all up to Sister Hongzhu, I'll help you." Su Meichen immediately hugged her thighs, not planning to cook with a man, feeling that she was clumsy.

    "I'm not very good either, but I can fight." Shen Jingwen also said weakly, she really didn't know how to cook, and they were all female stars who debuted earlier. His hands are very rough, and they were also filmed in a fight scene, and they are not cooking hands at all.

    As soon as the three of them finished speaking, Sang Yu showed a caring smile.

    "It's alright, I like cooking very much. I'll take care of everyone's meals at noon today. You can tell me your taste, and I'll cook it for you." .

    Although they won't be moved by who cooks, but being able to cook is a plus.

    "Then let me help too. Although I don't know how to cook, I can do it." Zhan Zicheng, a traffic star, hurriedly spoke. After all, he still had to show himself, not just waiting to eat.

    Zong He, the chief executive, is also very considerate.

    "I can't either, but I can learn, you can teach me."

    He looked over gently, and Sang Yu was a little embarrassed, and looked at Wei Mingjiang and Fan Yao.

    Wei Mingjiang was very calm, and he raised his head and said.

    "I know how to cook. You alone are responsible for all the adults' meals, so let me take care of half of it, and you can do half of it."

    This made Sang Yu very grateful. After all, eight adults have the least meals. It is very tiring to do more than ten sets.

    Fan Yao, who was paralyzed on the sofa, gave up the treatment and shrugged directly.

    "Don't look at me, I don't know, I can only eat."

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