Chapter 146

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Chapter 146: I'm Dating Online

    Such a cold word came from the mouth of his favorite person. It was obviously still between you and me yesterday, but now because of the appearance of a child, the other party has been asked to say such cold and heartless words.

    Bai Ruanruan didn't know the man in front of him for a moment.

    She was full of joy, thinking that she had the crystallization of their love, that they could be together across the ages, she didn't care about the weird eyes of others, nor the so-called gossip, she just liked one person very special, because only this person , which my sister can't take away.

    It's hers alone.

    Shen Qinglan likes Bai Ruanruan very much, but when he thinks of his marriage with Wen Ya, it seems that everything comes to an end because the two get married, so Shen Qinglan is very afraid of marriage.

    He was afraid that another child would appear and make him a useless waste.

    He was afraid that he would become a useless little white face in the eyes of those people again.

    Even if Bai Ruanruan was so weak and helpless, he needed his consideration and love, but thinking of what had happened, Shen Qinglan still ruthlessly asked the other party to abort the child and break up.

    He didn't like the feeling of being out of control, because he was about to relent and agree to let the other party keep the child.

    Bai Ruanruan cried very badly that day, but Shen Qinglan did not soften his heart. He told Bai Ruanruan indifferently that he already had an ex-wife and son, so he didn't like new children, and he would not marry Bai Ruanruan. Their love It was wrong in the beginning, just for inspiration.

    So their best ending is to separate, which is also the ending created by Shen Qinglan for "Invisible Lovers".

    "Am I just a small stone on your way to find inspiration? Can you just throw it away?"

    Bai Ruanruan finally broke down, probably because she was pregnant with a child, and she was even more afraid of all this. She didn't get much love since she was a child. So after being with Shen Qinglan, I tried my best to grasp such love, to grasp all of this, and even began to imagine the future with Shen Qinglan in the future.

    She even considered that if her parents didn't agree with the two of them getting married, she would secretly go home and steal the household registration book. Anyway, the person my parents always liked was my sister, and she didn't like her unsatisfactory daughter.

    She will have someone she likes, have a cute baby, and start their own family.

    This was something Bai Ruanruan dreamed of, but it was completely broken in the end.

    Nobody knows what happened.

    Bai Ruanruan agreed to break up, Shen Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief, he originally wanted to accompany Bai Ruanruan to have an abortion, but was rejected by Bai Ruanruan, and finally charged 20 million to Bai Ruanruan's card, which was used for 20 million Make up for Bai Ruan Ruan.

    A huge sum of 20 million is enough for any ordinary family to live a lifetime, but after receiving the money, Bai Ruanruan donated the money directly to charitable organizations .

    The money was of no use to her.

    She lost her beloved and was about to lose her child.

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