Chapter 51

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Chapter 51 On the possessiveness of childhood sweethearts

    Meng Rui could not understand the meaning of this sentence.

    What does it mean to be...a medicine for brother Alan?

    However, Shen Qinglan's kiss on the back of her hand was so real that Meng Rui felt as if she was electrocuted, and it was conveyed from the back of her hand to her heart at once.

    Her breathing couldn't help but hurried. Meng Rui only felt that brother Alan's room was very hot, and the air seemed to have become thinner. Isn't brother Alan hot?

    "How can it be the medicine for brother Alan?"

    She heard her voice trembling and asked this sentence. She should have withdrawn her hand a long time ago, but was tightly held by brother Alan and let brother Alan's The breath kept spraying on the back of the hand, and the palm of the hand was even played with the fingers of Alan's brother, which made Meng Rui feel that his uncontrollable heart trembled.

    "Always like me."

    "Always be by my side."

    "Always look at me."

    Every time he said a word, he dropped a fluttering kiss on the back of Meng Rui's hand, which made Meng Rui feel like a dream. I don't know if what I'm in now is reality or a dream.

    If it's real, how did things turn out like this?

    If it is a dream, she is really happy, brother Alan, do you like her too?

    I inexplicably remembered that when I was hugged by brother Alan, the lips that were rubbed and kissed by brother Alan, and the cheeks that were licked by brother Alan started to heat up. Meng Rui smiled, even if no one saw it. Her expression, but her voice was unprecedented joy and happiness.

    "I like my brother very much."

    She said, and then imitated Shen Qinglan's appearance, leaned on the back of Shen Qinglan's hand, and kissed lightly, as if printing her own promise.

    "I'll stay by my brother's side all the time."

    She kissed again, even though she was shy, she was still determined.

    "I will always look at my brother." The

    long-cherished wish seemed to be finally fulfilled. Meng Rui closed her eyes. Even though she knew that brother Alan couldn't see her expression in the dark, she was still shy. She was a little slow this time. He leaned over and was about to print the last promise on the back of Shen Qinglan's hand.

    But the next moment, her hand was suddenly pulled away, and Meng Rui felt the warm breath on her face.

    She opened her eyes in fright. Shen Qinglan's face was in front of her. Although she couldn't see clearly in the dark, Meng Rui also felt the lack of oxygen due to the other's rapid breathing.

    What to do? What to do? What to do?

    Her palms were sweating, and she felt that the pajamas on her body were almost soaked by sweat, but at this moment, the courage that she didn't know where it came from made Meng Rui suddenly feel a sense of sacrifice.

    She simply suspected that it was all a dream now.

    If so, what is she afraid of?

    Thinking like this, she had already closed her eyes secretly, and then slowly moved forward until her lips touched something.

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