Chapter 115

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Chapter 115 Qinglan cub, selling cute online, kneeling and begging to collect the author's column...

    If Shen Jingwen was able to comfort herself in the lottery shop before, it was luck, but now in a shopping mall where people come and go, it is really surprising that you can draw these by random lottery. Well-written scripts, because there are so many coincidences in this world.

    So much that Shen Jingwen couldn't believe it.

    "I'm not, I don't, I don't know this person!!!" The

    assistant director refused Sanlian, and then looked at the staff member.

    "If you don't believe me, ask him, our program team didn't know them at all, let alone negotiated it."

    As for Shen Qinglan's luck, the assistant director was also stunned?

    Wei Mingjiang also held Shen Qinglan in doubt about life, and felt that he seemed to be holding a live koi. He found that Shen Qinglan didn't seem surprised at all about his winning, and he wasn't even very happy.

    "Baby Lanlan, why are you unhappy that you won a lottery and owns a car?"

    The child didn't seem to be moved by the 100,000 yuan car, which made him even more curious at this time.

    Everyone looked at Shen Qinglan, only Shen Qinglan was very calm and also felt very boring, and replied.

    "What you can get at your fingertips, even if you get it, will you feel happy?"

    It seems that everything is easily available to him, so even if you have it, you will not be happy, which makes people simply envious and hateful. Speaking of which, it's downright shattering.

    At this moment, the staff also found out that they were recording the show. Someone around found Shen Jingwen's identity, and they kept taking pictures with their mobile phones. Fortunately, the elevator opened, and then everyone hurried on the elevator. The staff also They came up together, and only after they came up did they react.

    "The redemption hall is on the first floor..."

    The staff member was a little confused when he had to take pictures for publicity.

    Later, the staff who filmed Shen Qinglan quietly asked him if he could draw a lottery. That's what he did. Of course, he asked everyone to draw a lottery. When they got out of the elevator, the people in the program group got a bunch of napkins. It was awesome.

    There is a place selling digital products on the second floor. Wei Mingjiang took Shen Qinglan to buy a computer according to Shen Qinglan's instructions. Shen Jingwen was stunned by her son's luck. The lottery staff in that shopping mall needed to be responsible for the prizes they gave out, so she kept following them.

    At this time, the program team only felt that if their program broadcasted this, it would definitely explode!

    The crowd went to a shop that sold computers, and there were quite a few people in it. Shen Qinglan quickly fell in love with a notebook worth 8,000 yuan.

    "I want this."

    As soon as Shen Qinglan spoke, the staff who sold the computer immediately looked at Shen Jingwen and Wei Mingjiang.

    "Give it to him."

    "That's it." The

    two of them said this together, and then they looked at each other with a little bit of laughter. After all, as an adult, being carried by a child is a wonderful feeling, especially you When I feel that the child in my arms is a koi.

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