Chapter 109

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Chapter 109 Qinglan cub, selling cute online, kneeling and begging to collect the author's column...

    Oh Huo~ Fan Yao was called stupid for the first time, and he was a five-year-old child, but he wasn't angry, just curious.

    "Then there are so many men who can't cook, and I'm not the only one, aren't they as stupid as me?"

    These words shot across the audience, except for Wei Mingjiang, who knew how to cook, smiled helplessly.

    Shen Qinglan looked at this biological father, and knew how this father made everything to the worst, so he said seriously.

    "So my father needs to be able to cook, speak seven languages, and make money."

    He said these words with a serious face, but the people on the scene were very puzzled, and they couldn't help but look at Shen Jingwen, Thinking that Shen Jingwen's conditions for finding a partner are too high, right?

    Shen Jingwen quickly shook her head at everyone's gaze, but she didn't say that her future boyfriend needs to be able to speak seven languages. Isn't this looking for something?

    "...I can speak seven languages ​​too, do you want to listen?"

    Fan Yao couldn't help but fight against Shen Qinglan due to the belated rebellion. As a result, the program team found out that the two began to quarrel!

    That's right!

    A 30-year-old man is arguing with a 5-year-old child in various languages. They are very fast and switch languages ​​very quickly. Anyway, Fan Yao was born in the second generation of the rich, and he has learned various languages ​​since he was a child. Not even a quarrel for a while.

    All the guests were at a loss when they listened to it, and the program team was the same. They could only judge what they were arguing about and who won by their expressions and tone of voice. Instead, Wei Mingjiang had an interesting look on his face, and admired Shen Qinglan very much. .

    After a few minutes, the quarrel between the two ended.

    "Okay, I won't bully you a child, will you win?"

    That's right, Fan Yao found that he couldn't quarrel with a child, so he chose to admit defeat in order to prevent himself from being mad.

    Shen Qinglan still looked at him with wise eyes, said.

    "Because of how stupid you are, I'll be a little face person for you."

    That's right, Shen Qinglan saw that Fan Yao was soft, but he felt that the other party could save him, so everyone saw the two people who were arguing just now. Shen Qinglan even gave Fan Yao a small noodle person, and Fan Yao who got the small noodle person was very happy.

    "You're awesome!" He praised, suddenly squatted down, and when no one could react, he kissed Shen Qinglan on the face.

    "I'll kiss you too, baby Lanlan."

    This interaction made the show team very happy after filming. Shen Jingwen stood in the crowd and saw this scene, she didn't know what to think, her face was a little pale.

    In the end, only An Ruirui, Xiao Ran, and Fan Yao got the little noodle people. After Shen Qinglan finished pinching them, they stopped pinching them. After all, they had to keep the noodles for everyone to eat together.

    After more than an hour, everyone's food is ready, and the children's food is also ready. The colorful dumplings of various bright colors are especially cute in the small plate. The fillings inside are also of various flavors. appetite.     In addition, there are vitamins, vegetables and fruits that children need to supplement. It is also beautifully mixed with salad. With the hot soup, the four children are very happy to eat.     The eight adults also began to eat. Although occasionally their eyes still fell on the children, they had learned more or less about each other's situation after spending two hours together.     For example, Sang Meichen has a naive and lively personality, and her speech is cute, but her daughter is a little silly and easy to deceive.     Although Shen Jingwen plays the domineering and vicious No. 2 girl on TV, in fact, she is gentle and gentle when she gets along, and she is very considerate to everyone when she talks and does things. Shen Qinglan, a genius son, makes Shen Jingwen even more so. This mother's face added a lot of brilliance.     Xiao Hongzhu has a free and easy personality, while his son is cool and occasionally very cute.     There is also the mother and daughter Sang Yu and Sang Mengmeng. Sang Yu successfully conquered the adults at the scene with meals. Even Su Meichen had to admit that Sang Yu's cooking was delicious.

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