Mother Reborn

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When you woke up as a minor character from a video game you used to play crazy back in highschool you lost your shit the moment you realized whos baby was sleeping on the small handmade bed.

It was a small baby that didn't look older than a year.The child was sleeping peacefully,his striking blue minty hair was the first thing that made you realize where you were at and what was going on currently.

You went to sleep and woke up as the supporting character (Y/n) (L/n),who is supposed to be Il Dottore's mother and first victim.

'(Y/n) was an abusive piece of shit' as you said before you woke up as her,locked to her fate you had to endure the things she has to go through the years.(Y/n) abused Dottore until he grew up and became a victim of the man's experiment from a certain age which it terrified you to the core.

What if he tried to kill you,what if he experimented on you like he did to that poor girl Collei-

Your thoughts were cut short as the sound of a baby crying filled your ears,Dottore was crying which made you alert as you rushed to his side.

The child was so small to be fed anything normal and it didn't take you long to realize he was probably hungry,you took him into your unsure hands as you tried to make him relax.

You gulped as you looked at Babytorre,his cries filling your ears as you tried to undo your shirt so you could feed him. You never gave birth to a child in your previous life but you had to try your best to not leave the poor kid in hunger.

It was an awkward moment for you as Dottore now reduced to a small child drinking milk straight from the source, made you giggle a bit,your eyes looking carefully at him to make sure he wouldn't choke on the milk.

When he pulled back you made him lean to your shoulder and started to pat lightly on his back to help him burp after feeding,remembering all the times your sister did this to her children was forged in to your mind so it did help you managing to take care of a child so small like him.

After that you put Dottore to the madeshift crib,the man you know as the horrifying Fatui Harbringer sleeping soundlessly on his back with a cute expression on his face.

You smiled without realizing,the cuteness of his baby form making your heart fuzzy with a motherly emotion.

Realizing you were looking at the sleeping Dottore for too long you quickly got out of the room you were in,walking in the corridor of the house you were in.It was small yet enough for three people to live inside taking it to account Dottore's father and your husband.

'But his father was only mentioned once,he is said to be dead before even Dottore is a year old.'

You walked inside the living room to find booze bottles next to the couch,dozens of them even.The living room reeked of beer,the scent making your nose scrunch as you opened the windows to let the air out,the soft windy breeze hitting your face as you realized the windows were tied to something that made them open only halfway.

You bent down trying to collect the bottles as you heard a sound coming from the kitchen.

'Dottore?' You thought as you put the bottles on top of the table,your eyes following the dark shadowy figure that came out of the kitchen and was standing on the corridor still.

The man and you met eyes,the eye contact feeling forced and sending shivers down your spine.You tried to remain silent,not breaking your posture as you threw all the bottles on a bag,getting ready to go out of the house as you realized the door was locked.

A sweat fell down from your face realizing it was locked by the man behind you.

"Where the hell do you think you are going?" The man behind you who was probably your husband said with malice on his tongue.

"Out,Im going to throw these out." You replied back making sure to look into his eyes.

The man in front of you was overweight,he had a beer stomach along with long gray greasy hair.His face was unshaved while wearing work clothes from the day before,he had eye bags under his dead gray fish eyes.

"Im just going out to throw the trash,Im not going to run away."

"You go out when I say you can."

Shit,this is bad,very bad.

Mihoyo only wrote about an abusive mother and now another abusive piece of shit out of nowhere?

"You can try me,I won't run away."


'Shit I can't even run away like this anyway.Dottore is sleeping on the other room and if I try something bad-'

"You can throw it out instead of me then."

He looked at you with unsureness in his eyes before slowly walking towards you,you didn't step back as the man took the bag away from your hands harshly,unlocking the door as he threw the bag with full force outside,a loud crash filling your ears.

"Here,done." Your supposed husband said before going back to the hall where his alcoholic ass came from.He walked past you and walked inside to the bedroom,the door was shut with a loud noise that made you worried for Dottore waking up and crying.

You examined the locked door a little bit longer,after that you layed down on the couch,your feet cold as you turned to your side trying to get some sleep.

You looked down at your bruised wrists,they were in various shapes along with healing scars across it.The looked like something hot was poured on it.

"Bastard..." You whispered out as you fell asleep,your body growing cold with Dottore on your mind.

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