Who is this (fine) stranger?!

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The night was harsh out in the desert,it was cold and unforgiving for the ones who were not from there. Even for a hot place like the desert the nights were a whole new world,you knew that since the day you actually managed to lock yourself out of the house when you went out for a run and were unable to enter the house back until you decide to break in by the window.

But tonight was more different with a wounded stranger sleeping on your couch with the handmade blanket you made. His eyes were closed,sleeping peacefuly while his chest went up and down as you poured some soup into the wooden bowl you had in your hands
,carefully putting them to the table.

Dottore was sleeping silently in his room thanks to his baby build while you busied yourself with embroidery,designing some new handkerchiefs to sell down on the small town a few hours away from your house,the same one where you met that weird tall guy trying to chase you on the damned desert.

Sighing you put the bowls down,one extra for the possible guest-stranger laying down on your couch. Speaking of it you should probably get a new one,a more comfortable divan would be a lot more better but you lacked in the mora department and hence,a ground cushion would be what you will settle with.

Putting the spoon on the table you headed towards the corridor that lacked any lightning,opening the door where Dottore was resting in. To your suprise he was awake and twitching around in the crib which made you grab him gently and pull him close to your chest,his small cheeks laying on your shoulders while you went back to the kitchen one with your living room.

Another suprise being the injured stranger from earlier this evening being awake and trying to get up while struggling,his gaze on the bandages while you watched him from the door frame,your eyes on his back,watching his wide shoulders and muscular arms grip the ends of the divan,trying to get up.

It was a poor sight with you watching him struggle,baby Dottore who was also watching this man unknown to you had a frown on his baby face,it almost seemed annoyed with a hint of anger.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" you said while leaning back against the door frame,your hold on your child tightening a little when the priest turned backed at you with wide and shocked eyes. His gaze on you was intense,red eyes going through your soul as you let out a tired sigh.

Walking towards table next to the divan you put Dottore to the ground on his playing ground made only for him,you turned back again at the man watching you with cautious eyes. Red irises locked at your figure while you grabbed a cloth on the table,various first aid kit stuff laid down on as you turned your face to the man still watching you.

"I need to change your bandages,so you don't get infected"

There was an uncomfortable silence before the man opened his lips,your deep carnal red eyes locked to his face.

"-are you a goddess?"


Another minute of silence with your jaw slightly wide open,not expecting to hear such words you let out a weak sigh,grabbing some new bandages as you signaled the stranger to move a little to the side.

The man seemed suprised and confused not knowing what to do he just looked backed at you with empty eyes,you brushed it off as he may be shaken from whatever happened to him out in the desert. It didn't take you long to sit down at the small space next to him and guide your hand at the bandages
,trying to find the end so you can remove it.

A hand grabbed your wrist that was trying to undo the wraps,looking up you came face to face with the man,finally getting to have a better look at his face you noticed something- Archons weren't he so attractive.

He had tanned dark skin,big lips and nice clear skin,his hair was dark brown where there were few long braids going down from his hair,his light red eyes against your blood dark ones.

Okay maybe this wasn't that bad.

Returning to the moment you came back to your senses,you had to change these bandages first,think right (Y/n)!

"Your bandages,they will get infected if I don't change them." You reasoned with the priest who had a harsh look behind his eyes,unsure of your touch as you looked at him waiting for a response. When he finally let go you pulled the bandages.

The stranger let out a hiss as you quickly put up to work,fastly changing the bandages as you avoided eye contact at all cost,the priest was watching you for sure and you were not sure if you could handle another resting bitch face look.

"There,done. Good as new!" You said as you put the extra stuff on top of the table,brushing the dust off your ankle length skirt,you headed to the table,getting a tray as,you put the bowl of soup on it you dropped the tray gently next to the stranger.

"Hey,what is your name? I don't want to keep refering to you as a stranger."

The man was silent eyeing the bowl as he looked over where Dottore was playing in,wooden toys scattered across the ground.

"Kasala,my name."

You nodded your head knowing you were right in guessing who this priest was,since he looked almost similiar to the cutscene in the game. As far as your knowledge went Kasala was a priest of King Deshret in his final days so that meant the spreading of forbidden knowledge was near,you did not want to play too much with the timeline so you probably have to decide to let it go or not.

Noticing his gaze on the blue haired child you smiled slightly,Kasala noticing your smile from the tip of his eyes,his eyes following your smile lines on the corners of your lips.

"The little one is Zandik,my son. My name is (Y/n). " You said as you slowly walked over towards the child on the ground,noticing your presence Dottore smiled and crawled towards your feet,tightly holding onto your skirt as he tried to get up in his place,sadly he failed and fell down on his butt with a small sound.

Grabbing him from the ground you turned back to Kasala watching you with an weird look on his face,the look on his face being close to yearning one.

"Can you eat? I have to feed this small goblin here" you said while nuzzling your cheek against the child,Dottore giggling childishly while Kasala watched you turn your face against him,the baby on your arms sucking on his own fingers while the smile on your face was still there. The man just huffed and tried to get up.

You walked next to his side,passing him the tray with one hand while Kasala just stayed silent,watching you.

"If your bandages hurt let me know okay?

The brunette was silent,he watched you exit the room as he looked at the soup on his lap. With a shaky hand the man grabbed the spoon,eating silently.

The soup was thick,the bread next to it showed it was the only food made by the owner of the house and there wont be more.

The man ate in silence,waiting for (Y/n) to finish her job and come back.

That woman..and that glowing purple thing on her hip...

Who was this woman?

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