Old Civilizations

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Sorry for the long hiatus I was not sure what to do with this story but I am back !

Also don't mind if there are typos I really cant read at all🧍‍♀️


Sand shifted beneath your feet like water with every step you took forward,harsh and secured steps along with the flowing Electro energy through your body going directly to your legs aiding you while you ran through the cold desert.

It was early in the morning with no sun in sight,the harsh and cold weather still wrapping your body like a blanket as you ran fast,your speed still low but unmatched to any of a normal human.

You slid through the ground and pulled your hand back that was overloaded with thunder,lightning running through your veins like blood as the ends of your hair stood up,flipping your hair as a particle of electro crackled in the air.

"I still have so much to improve..." you mumbled.

After you got your vision the first thing you decide to do was to test it out,manifesting the power of lightning you decied you would test it out once your baby boy fell asleep,and when he did-you ran outside.

First you thought maybe I can use it like the way Keqing does it in game? Or maybe like Raiden Shogun's ult where she pulls a blade out of her chest for shits and giggles but you lacked the ability to wield a weapon let alone use it effectively.

Then it clicked,maybe you can use it the way Yelan does and mix it with characters from other games!

Closing your eyes you called upon the power of lightning,electro swirling through as it manifested on your legs,shooting forward you used it as a boost for running,your feet light as a feather while you run in a circle around your house,fast yet somehow still balanced.

The other thing and the most important was how you could use basic attacks.Choosing the catalyst you decided just to use your hands to shoot electricity straight out of them like Neon from Valorant.

Combining the mechanics of her character and stuff of your own you managed to-somehow- make a broken kit,even for Genshin standards.


The rest of the day went off like butter on bread,calm and peaceful while watching Dottore,your son learning how to crawl while you watched him with pride,the small child giggling while he tried to reach to the comfortable and warm arms of his mother.

His feet tapped against the wooden floors,your eyes set on his short blue hair,his big red eyes looking around as you let out a giggle getting up from your seat on the uncomfortable hard couch.

You walked to the kitchen connected to the living room,snooping around to find something to eat,anything that you can make into food.

Sadly,your search was a failure. There was nothing on the wooden chests made up to store food neither on the cabinets filled with old wooden plates.

Your nose scrunched up in dissapointment.

There must be some money around the house right? Enough for to buy some ingredients to atleast make soup for yourself!

But with your knowledge this was the Sumeru of four hundred years ago where King Deshret was still alive leading Sumeru's desert area and along with your no sense of direction you were basically doomed!

"No,no,stay calm (Y/n),stay calm..."

You have to go out,walk and buy some food and most importantly-stop the blue haired child from chewing the legs of the old sofa!

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