Is this my "Vision"?

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Three weeks passed since your arival in Teyvat,3 weeks after you became the mother of the blue haired child you are curently rocking in your hands.

You were finnaly outside after your husband died,it was a sunny morning and leaving Dottore out without sun would affect his child body,seeing him grow up healthy is a must so you set his crib outside,letting him meet the sun as you knelt beside him.

You were humming something under your breath,your eyes closed as Dottore watched you with his big red eyes,his small body perfectly fitting in the wooden crib that was built for him.

You looked at your son,he was unmoving yet awake,his red ruby eyes meeting yours as you went in to brush his face,a gesture of love.

"Do you like the weather Zandik?" You asked,Dottore letting out some gibberish as you got up,stretching your stiff arms.

You were tired from sitting so you got up,walking towards the sand that is burning your feet lightly as you hummed happily,you looked at the Zaytun peaches right next to the rocks infront of you,grabbing your cloth to make a small basket.

You grabbed the peaches and threw them to your dress,wiping the dust of them as you bite one,it tasted sweet yet sour somehow taking it into hand the meaning of Zaytun is olive.

You peaked at the sky,the floating white island in the sky attracting your attention.It was your first time seeing Celestia and boy did it looked big down from here.

You got lost in the thought before mumbling something under your breath.

"Imagine if I got a vision right now." You said while looking at the floating island while covering your eyes from the sun as you giggled to yourself,suddenly turning around while the dress you are wearing made a little twirl,stretching your arms.

You put the peaches to the ground,you can pick them up later anyways.

The only time you said "Imagine If I got a five star." Was when you pulled Keqing on the standard banner and made you say the same phrase over and over again while you just looked at your C12 Barbara in pain while wishing for Childe,so no, you hope no Cyro or Anemo vision pops out of no where.

It has to be Electro because The Electro Archon gives visions to hot women and you know that for sure,it would approve the situation of that a God like Raiden Shogun accepting the fact you are a hot single mom!

What is better than being a hot single mom?It's being a hot single mom with a Electro vision!

I mean The Electro Archon herself does not gives out the visions herself but atleast there is somebody up in there in Celestia that approves hot women.

"I hope they like Milfs up there."

You laughed at your thoughts making Dottore laying on his wooden crib suddenly move and cry,rushing to his side you grabbed him and held hin like the true king he was,the way he suddenly hiccuped made your motherly heart jump out of cuteness overload you just kissed his cheeks.

"Who is the most cutest?" You said beaming and kissed his baby cheek,the child gleaming with happiness,"It's my Zandik~!"

Suddenly you heard a small zapping sound next to you,looking down there was a round purple crystal with a golden frame,you knew what this was and it made you even more happy than usual.

"See Zandik?The gods love the Sumerian Milf living alone in the desert,I knew it."

It was going to be a great day,you knew it!

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