The Bazaar

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"The market place is crowded huh..."

You muttered,lips chapped and dry as the burning desert,the feeling of the golden shifting sand beneath under your feet that you and Kasala just passed hours ago still there. A beige colored cloth was wrapped over your shoulders that has space enough to carry the mischiefious blue haired baby
Dottore close to your chest,his baby hands clutching to your body through the worn out cloth even in his sleep.

Kasala hummed,his red eyes scanning over the bustling streets of King Deshret's kingdom and capital. Vendors yelled prices,some sang songs for the vegetables in a ear pleasing way to get people to buy their stuff from their stand. You let out an tired huff,a hand patting Dottore's body lightly to feel his warmth and to ensure his security in a motherly way.

"It's indeed crowded lady Y/n." Kasala said out,you took a step,the very thin sandals you wore did not do you justice at all,the cheap material allowed the sands burning hotness pass through your feet and reach your skin in the blink of an eye. But that was when you were walking through the desert,it was now the worn out cold stones and dust of the floor you stood in.

Relax Y/n,just sell some stuff,buy baby Dottore his needs,do some money bargaining in the potato stall down the street as a real Sumerian mother could do and voilà.

"Hm...I need to sell my handiwork first before I could shop." You hummed to yourself,walking in the streets slowly as Kasala trailed right behind you like a guard dog. Scary actually,he gave off a sense of aura that scared off people nearby,causing them to retract or just simply walk out of your way that you may or may have not appreciated. Eyes shoot there and there,searching for a nice bargain.

Having Kasala's company was nice but at the same time it caused the vendors the back off also which made your eyes twitch. Patting Dottore's body through the cloth again,the baby was still close to your chest.

Should you shoo Kasala away perhaps? Wouldn't that be rude?

There was no way you were going to find a good stall to sell your handwork in with a scary looking man in your back.

Wait,isn't Kasala must be known by the people around since he is a head priest?

But again there was this;this was a time where electronics or any social devices did not exist that allowed people to search something a tap away. The people probably only knew Kasala through words passed around,the head priest of the temple by their guess did not leave the city a lot.

Thats what people probably think,thats why nobody really bats an eye at the tall dark skinned man who emmitated the aura of a guard dog. Either a mercenary or some scary dude.

But first you need to get him away from you first. Use your mother brain Y/n! What would a mother do to shoo away the scary man standing behind them?

"Ah Kasala,would you mind if you a bargain for me down the stall over there? I cannot do two things at once,after that we can meet at the city center so I can bid you goodbye?" you joked,letting a soft smile fall upon your lips as Kasala had the stiff statue stance he had for the last four hours of walking.

The man relaxed his mucles,looking at you.

"...alright." he replied,you chuckled excitedly,passing the head priest a pouch filled with limited mora. Reminding the man to bargain good,well with those scary looks Kasala no doubt would get some good prices!

In the moment between you dropped off the pouch you dipped,in search of a stall that could possibly accept your handiwork of knitting. Your blood red eyes wandered over some vendors,some complimented your looks to lure you in but being you-of course you knew those tactics!

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