Accidental Rizz

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The house was unusualy quiet counting the quest on your living room,eating his food silently as you emerged from the corridor stretching your stiff arms,you dusted off yourself a little looking down at the injured Kasala as he remeained silent. The tray you brought to him was empty as you felt proud of yourself,smiling you went up to him and took his bowl away.

"I say you liked the soup?"  You asked with a small sly smile,Kasala huffed averting his gaze.

A simple peasant dish as they say,yet simple and flavoured. Enough to fill the stomach,though,you dont know if the head priest of the temple would realy like something like that guessing he propably had luxurious food enough to get the lower class jealous on a daily basis.

Man thoose rich people though...they fill you with anger but thats a story for another day.

"...Thank you,it was delicious." Kasala replied from his place,averting his gaze on you as his brown eyes locked to the empty wooden bowl. You let out a small sigh,your dark blood red eyes on his skin,the bandages wrapped around his injuries.

Okay (Y/n) keep cool.

"So....why were you even out in the first place? Like what attacked you?"

Kasala looked up from his place,his eyes locking to yours and oh damn-?

"I uh...I was traveling," Well duh obviously?

You two were in a weird uncomfortable silence,realizing it was your duty to break it and move on to the next conversation since Kasala did not look like he wanted to speak about how he ended up in the middle of the dessert.

What can a person say to lighten up a situation?

"...I like your hair."

Kasala looked up at you with slightly widdened eyes,he seemed shocked at your words,a hand went to his dark brown locks,going over his braided ends,looking back down again.

Clever (Y/n),just clever. I can feel my veins in my heart about to burst out from embarrassment.

"I-thank you...I like your eyes."

Your eyes widdened,the only part that changed when you come to this world was your eyes,from their original color to a red that Dottore carried in the game. You let out a nervous smile,your gaze on Kasala.

"Thanks,I think they look like a puddle of blood sometimes but-I like them."

Kasala shook his head at that,the dark skinned man looking back at your face to get a better look at your eyes.

"They look like rubies. Like a jewel."

Oh okay.

Okay you were blushing.

You let out a laugh hiding it with the back of your hand,turning back so your cheeks getting that slight color wont be noticed. Kasala was a sweatheart kind of....I mean you barely knew him! Even though he was alert he acted like a teenager complimenting his crush.

That is just so cute....

"Ah you are being too kind-" CRASH!

Both of you jumped collectively from your places,Kasala refusing to look up,basicaly having the 'Wow this rug has interesting designs' situation as he did not move his face while you cursed.

"Zandik? Dont tell me you broke something-!"

While you rushed inside where you left Zandik to sleep Kasala had his hands on your face,even through his dark skin,the burning color of a volcano red could be seen,like a tomato he shook his head.

Kasala cursed at himself for not being able to form a single thought or a useful conversation before blushing out like a teenager,he couldn't even ask you about that glowing purple jewel on your let alone ask to leave because you probably had a husband. Kasala was not a homewrecker nor a teenager on puberty.

Get your shit together Kasala-



Babyttore after he used his sixth sense to cause chaos so he wont get a new father;

Babyttore after he used his sixth sense to cause chaos so he wont get a new father;

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On other hand yes,I am alive. The months have been harsh! I had to enter two uni exams,my writing fairies came and I wrote this chapter.

This was also a filler chapter so...🐜 also dont mind if there are any typos my eyesight is not good🤕

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