The Priest and The Mother

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This child has the strength of gods I swear.

After Dottore broke his crib and managed to make you sing curses that came out of your tongue like a waterfall,Kasala (Archons bless) offered you help to fix it,you agreed as for the rest twelve minutes Dottore was given his first mom talk,the blue haired child had a sour face making you sigh.

Kasala kept eyeing you,the man sighed as he walked through the long hallways,he looked around to find if he had his weapon with him. You noticing the dark skinned man in distress smiled,trying to easen him- guessing he was attacked by a Ruin Guard you acted not aware of the fact.

"Are you looking for your stuff? I put it next to the couch since it took some space." You said,having a light smile on your face so you would not seem as a threat to Kasala,the man looked at you and nodded. "Yes,I had my ankh with me,I had lost my grip while fighting this Ruin Guard" He answered.

Ahah! So you were right,bingo!

"A ruin guard?" You asked playing dumb so the head priest does not get suspicious of you,the dark skinned man had a slight distinct look on his way,light red eyes against your face as he looked to his side then back at you,Kasala nodded.

"Yes,its...they wander in the desert,sometimes-in empty areas like this..." Kasala looked at you. It seemed like he had more to say,counting the fact Ruin Guards came from Khaenri'ah and the desert of Sumeru practicaly was the most close to the underground nation.

A neighbouring region...well.

Okay you havent played Genshin for a while okay? There were lore you havent even caught up with yet knowing the fact you were a lore lover and played for the story mostly. You shrugged,body tensing slightly as you tried to relax.

"Yeah I uhh-I did not have a outside world contact for a while since umm." you made a motion with your hands,basically saying 'My husband was a bitch,he locked me in my house with my baby' without speaking. Of course if you don't tell your problems out loud how can you expect others to understand or help you (?). Kasala remained clueless to what you were trying to mean,his face like a confused statue of a greek god.

Clever Y/n,very clever.

"Well its not important anyways,what important is-I need to go to the city to sell some stuff." You started,Baby Dottore crawled on the wooden ground while your hands reached out to a small cabinet,grabbing a sack where a few knitting stuff laid. Some basic handmade shirts and scarfs fit for the harsh conditions of the desert.

One thing you,Y/n,when came to this world you also acquired some skills of the character Dottore's mother originaly was. She could knit and make some decent food with whatever food they had in the house-Dottore who grew up with zero love from the woman that gave birth to him and causing the man to became what he was known as in the game later on.

It stuck you hard,knowing you can stop it and maybe even see Dottore or as you made sure to stick to the storyline and his real name-Zandik,would grow up to be a normal man,a man that would be respectful and not evil.

As your son.

You blinked and turned back to Kasala,smiling slightly trying to hide the sadness tgat suddenly formed in your gut,twisting it like a twig.

"Well I-"

"You are crying."

Your eyes widdened as Kasala reached out his hands towards your face but stopped,you blinked again,checking your face with the tip of your fingers. It was actually wet.

"Oh-silly me."

Kasala had a distant look on his face,worried? Weirded out? Disgusted? You can't tell but you know for sure that you actualy just shed a tear.

"Well sorry about that...umm,Kasala?"

"Yes?" Kasala replied immediatly,eyes looking straight at yours.

" came from the city,how about you accompany me and Zandik there? I have to sell these and I havent went to buy grocery shopping yet-!" You forget about that! What would you feed Zandik-?! I mean he still does use your milk but-

"Ah,ahem. Thou shall not worry,I will accompany you to the marketplace." Kasala stood straight like a soldier,his tone serious,looking down at you as his head was tilted slightly towards you. Well that was great!

"Ah thank you,let me grab my stuff." You smiled and turned back,grabbing Dottore as you patted his butt,the child giggling as you cooed. "Now now-we are going out azizam,dont make a fuss." You laughed along the way,Dottore was smiling and giggling while Kasala waited for you in the living room,the head priest grabbing his own traveling clothes you put next to the couch,the dark skinned mab grabbed the ankh,spinning it in his hand and stomping it lightly to the ground.

'Works fine'

The priest stood tall and silent,lips pressed together. He was acting....weird. Too weird since he met Y/n.

"I'm back-" your voice came,a scarf fit to travel through the desert and another big pouch tied infront of your belly holding Dottore. A classic way of holding a child close to you. You checked the ties and held the bag that contained the stuff you needed to sell at the end of the day.

"I should pack some food and water and then we can go?"

"...I can carry that if you allow me to."

You blinked,okay?


Kasala grabbed the bag and threw it over his shoulders lightly as you quickly made something fast for you two,luckily there was water you stored in the house. This that-and set!

"Im all done,let me just-" you started looking for a hand made bag-

"I can carry that too."

This man I swear.

First of all,he was already carrying your stuff and adding additional luggage is not it! Thats seemed just disrespectful.

"I can carry it well myself."

Silence from Kasala.


You smiled and opened the door,Kasala followed behind you as Dottore made a small sound stuck to your body. You patted him shielding the child from sunlight.

"We have to walk to the city by ourselves. This would probably take a while. Maybe days."

"Oh right." You huffed,having the power of electro allowed you to run fast as you could,when going out to shopping or selling stuff you would just activate your vision and sprint in a acceptable speed. What should you do?

Hmm...think Y/n think!

"I suppose we should start slow huh?" Damn it Y/n.

"...yes I think so."

Here starts the desert travel to the city huh?

Well you will be damned.

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