O' Mother!

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You woke up with a gasp,your body sore from sleeping on the couch as you let out a sharp breath,hands gripping the sides of the rock hard and old couch.You got up slowly,something making your body feel heavy for no reason.

You walked past the bedroom where your husband was staying,seeing the place empty. You sighed happily as you entered Dottore's room,the child still sleeping on his back peacefully.

The wooden ground cracked under your bare feet making Babyttore shift in his crib,the baby shifted a little more before opening his eyes looking around.

Upon seeing your face Dottore smiled and giggled just like a baby would do,shifting on his crib as you grabbed him pulling his small body to your chest,his curious hands grabbing your clothes.

"Did you sleep well Zandik?" You asked, smiling as you kissed the child's forehead as he giggled innocently.

You went to the kitchen looking for veggies to make some food with Dottore on your hands,you looked around but there was no use,there wasn't a single consumable thing in this house nor in the kitchen.

You could keep feeding Dottore but if you didn't eat that meant he cannot get enough nutrients from your milk and that meant a problem.

What left for you to do was either ask your husband to buy groceries or escape the house Inidiana Jones style.

"Fuck." You breathed out as you patted Dottore's leg,the child looking at you with his wide and red eyes.


"Uh no,no,don't say that word!"


You just smiled as you exited the kitchen with Dottore on your hands,going to his room to change his diapers,you laid him down under the blanket to not get anything on the floors,grabbing a handmade diaper from the small gardrope on the corner of the room.

You cleaned Dottore with a handkerchief you had in hand,then you changed him into more fresher clothes,the process being short for both of you.

"Look at you,so handsome aren't you?" You cooed, making the child laugh.

"So handsome,my Zandik-" you grabbed Dottore,throwing him into the air as you kissed his cheeks "-is the most handsome-"

Suddenly the door opened,you quickly held Dottore,holding him close to your beating chest.

The person who came inside was not your husband but a scrawny looking boy who had coal and dirt on his face. The boy looked horrified.His hands were shaking.

You quickly got up from your position,hiding your son underneath your weak arms,looking at the man with threatening eyes.


"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" You cut his words as the grip on the small child tightened,in any case if this man was an intruder you would protect the child in your arms with everything you got.

The boy in front you did not look like an thief nor and mercenary,he looked like he worked on a under mine,the dirt on his face indicated that.

"Miss (Y/n) remember me?I'm your husband's work friend-"

"So his friend,what can a man like you even want from me?" You spat out harshly,feeling Dottore was starting to get uncomfortable in your hands,shifting and moving around.

"Your husband,he-"

There was a moment of silence before the boy spoke up again.

"He-the coal mine collapsed on us,your husband..."

"Oh shit,he died?"

"I'm...I'm sorry..."

You quickly turned your face to Dottore,spinning him in the air as you landed a kiss on his baby cheeks,blowing air as the baby on your hands as Dottore giggled,his hands on the air as you laughed.

"You heard that Zandik,That man is gone!"

The miner boy looked at you with weirded out eyes,his hands no longer shaking but shocked at your reaction.

"It was enough time.That bastard is better off dead."

You played with Dottore infront of the boy a little bit more,letting Zandik grab your fingers with his small baby hands,the boy happily laughing.

"About this months salary..."


"Tell your boss to give me the money this month or I will come down and take it myself." You said with a serious look on your face.Since the man that abused you was gone now you could finally roam around free and raise your child without abusive father problems.

An absent father is better than an abusive one anyways.

"I need money to feed my baby,I haven't eaten anything for a while because that man never went ahead and brought food to our home." You bared your teeth at the memories that swarmed up your head.

"So It would be great if I could get some food and new clothes for this man right here." You said as you grabbed Dottore's cheeks,his confused baby look killing you from the cuteness overload.

"My lady..-"

"Have I made myself clear?"

The boy jerked.

"Y-yes my lady-!"

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