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"I hate it here"


Everything returned to its place after your weird encounter with the tall man at the market place,after you,(Y/n) the magnificent woman with great thinking skills,ran off instead of trying to see who this person really was.

You didn't want to be bothered and you showed it by not traveling far away in months,in which allowed you to watch Dottore to grow up more as days passed

It's a happy home with the two of you in it. You and your son,future human experimentist doctor-Fatui Harbinger Dottore!

It was a weird fate honestly,mothering the character which killed you off in the story line because the original mother of Dottore abused him- It was a harsh fate that the boy suffered but with you replacing the potential NPC,you can raise Dottore to be a fine gentleman along with a happy childhood that you can offer him.

And of course,guaranteeing your survival!

It may be just your motherly senses but even if the baby you are raising is fated to be something sinister and cruel,you believe you can change him. Just look at his big red eyes! There is no evil behind those eyes!

The knife cut through the soft vegetables you had in hand,throwing all of them into the boiling water on top of the stove as you wipped your hands on top of the dress,drying them as you turned over to the child crawling on the ground playing with wooden toys.

Dottore was growing rather fast,unlike what you seen in any other child,he was going to be a big kid you were sure of that. The blue haired child looked happy which made you happy even more.

"Are you hungry azizam?" You cooed behind the counter,Dottore not paying attention to you before he looked up from his place scattered with toys,he giggled as he made a motion with his small baby hands that seemed like wanted be picked up you.

"Oh azizam,my sweet child what am I going to do with you?" You cooed as you picked the boy off the ground,"Aysh you become heavier-"

Dottore just giggled like a child on you arms as you spun him on your hands,throwing him to the air gently as you two laughed in unison.

"You play without disturbing mommy now,my sweet,sweet-" a kiss to the cheek "-sweet,child."

What did I say,no evil behind those big red eyes!

Taking your place on the uncomfortable cushion,you pulled out a knitting kit from the wooden box next to it,a blue wool connected to the wooden skewer. Grabbing the string you tied it around your fingers going in up and down motions as Dottore crawled under your feet trying to reach his toys.

It was a comfortable moment. You,your child-


Oh what now

Dottore suddenly jumped on his place making you look up from the babysized sweater in your hands,blood red eyes locked to the door of your house before you quickly let go of the wool,grabbing Dottore who was bawling his eyes out on the ground.

Activating the electro vision on your hip you rushed to Dottore's room,going through the darkness as you let the child on the crib,shushing him while you did so.

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