Check Me Out

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Chapter Five
-Check Me Out-

The first official day, I stood in the door way. Every single pore in my body producing enough sweat to hopefully drown me, so I didn't have to go through today...

Too graphic?

I hadn't slept a wink. Not only did my roommate smelling ridiculously good distract me, I was also waiting for the moment he turned to me and was like 'c'mon, you're actually a chick right??'. Thankfully, the crazy boy had gotten up at five this morning and went about his business and was gone by six. So, I had plenty of alone time to get ready and put my disguise back into place, properly. My first class was Marks and I was nervous to face anyone in this crappy disguise. I slowly made my way down the dorm hall, feeling like a paranoid psychotic as I jumped and spun around at every noise I heard.

I felt like such a fraud. Such a liar... Such a fake.

I literally shuffled to the nearest coffee shop and mumbled my order to the girl behind the counter. She didn't scream, horrified, leap over the counter and rip my wig off... so I thanked my lucky stars. I took a seat in the darkest corner and looked around like a scared possum waiting to be found out.

A girl walked into the shop dressed in what was possibly the shortest skirt and the tightest top, she looked like she had just finished her shift on the street corner especially in the stripper heels she was wearing, that she couldn't even walk in. She didn't belong on campus dressed like that and stuck out like a sore thumb. Her bleached hair was ratty and she obviously needed to invest in new and quality hair extentions. Her make up wasn't blended or the right color for her skin tone, leaving her face burnt sienna orange and her neck pearl white. I think she had tried to do a smokey dark eye, but it looked like she had packed on the black eye liner and then rubbed her eyes, giving her a distinct raccoon look. I couldn't help staring at her, what the hell was she thinking dressing like that!? What a hoe bag! She scanned the room and smirked a little as her eyes met mine for a fraction of a second. A knowing, self important look in her eyes. I couldn't stop looking at her, she looked like a train wreck. What possible reason could she have, that she left the house looking like that. Did she own a fricken mirror? I stared at her in horror as she strutted towards me like a retarded horse in her heels and looked up at her as she stopped in front of me.
"Uhm. I know that I'm hot, but a guy like you could never get a girl like me," she started as she took the top off of her cup of water. "Its rude to stare, you creep," she hissed and the proceeded to dump the water in my lap "Consider that a cold shower, you disgusting freak," she spat and then spun on her heel and wobbled off back to the counter.


Everyone in the café stared between the hooker and myself and I, for the life of me, couldn't understand what just happened... I was too stunned to even respond. I just sat there with a soaking crotch staring at the whore. Just before I jumped up and lunged at her in retaliation, I heard;
"Harsh luck, bro." I looked up and found Jake standing in front of me, a hint of a smirk on his face.
"Tell me about it," I murmured, repressing my rage with a harsh swallow. I couldn't fight her now, I had to be a respectable lady... dressed like a guy. I did however, hold my pants away from my skin as it was making me feeling extremely uncomfortable and cold.
"Ex-girlfriend?" he asked as I gestured to the seat next to me.
"Never seen her in my life, was sitting here thinking how she could manage being seen like that outside the house and she came up and called me a creep and dumped a cupful of water in my lap."
"Cold hearted," he murmured as he slipped into the seat."I have a pair of tracksuit pants in my bag if you want to get changed."
"Thanks," I smiled at him gratefully. He was so nice... and hot... and pleasant to look at... and Oh, god I shouldn't be looking at him like this... "...Dude. Uh, Thanks dude... man." I stumbled, looking down at my coffee.

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