Hot And Heavy

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Chapter Twenty-Two
-Hot And Heavy-

The panic that had disappeared when the date had started and I figured I had gotten away with murder was back with a vengance.

I looked from the back of Jakes head to my right, looking down the hall and then the left. No one was around and there weren't any cameras. I could hit him really hard, knock him out and drag him into the room. When inside, I could dispose of the damning wig, which I was sure was in the middle of the room on the floor in plain-fricken-view and then act totally upset and shocked when he wakes up and tell him some ninja, dressed in black totally came out of the ceiling and attacked him. Ninjas happen every day, right? Okay, I couldn't do that. But I needed a way to distract him long enough to survey the room before he did. I chewed my lip as he turned the key in the lock and turned the knob. As he started to open the door to the darkened room, the panic took over and I reacted without thinking.

"Jake?!" I yelped. He spun around and looked at me alarmed and I had no idea what to do next. I looked at him, looking at me questioningly.

"Yeah?" He asked, his mouth twisted into an unsure smile.

"Uh," I looked around again and then down to my feet. "I, uh," I looked up and grabbed his ears, forcefully pulling him towards me. Our lips met and he relaxed after a moment, closing his eyes. Kissing was a good distraction apparently and some of the panic subsided as he enclosed me in his arms and deepened the kiss. I sighed into his mouth as his tongue flicked at mine, teasingly. I couldn't get distracted though, I had a job to do and it was just a bonus that kissing was a part of that.
I pushed against his warm, hard body and without missing a beat or seperating from me, Jake pulled me into his room. His hands ran down my spine, teasingly and I groaned while shivering at his soft touch. I opened my eyes to get a full scope of the room. Jakes eyes were closed and his gorgeous eyelashes rested against his cheeks. But, if Jake opened his eyes right now, he would realise he is kissing a complete mental case because no one should kiss with their eyes wide open like I was. If it were me, I would freak out, so I hoped he'd just be a good boy and keep his eyes closed for now.
I looked around the room as I kept my hands on his cheeks, caressing and being loving. I ran my hand through his soft short hair and we seperated long enough to tilt our heads the opposite way and come back together again. He was so lovely to kiss. Soft baby lips, appropriate amount of tongue and moisture and was patient and undemanding. I almost closed my eyes and forgot all about the reason I had started to kiss him when I stopped kissing momentarily. My heart just about stopped beating as I spotted the wig. It was on the lamp shade next to my bed. I must have really flung it across the room. I'm such an idiot... or secret genius considering my current postition, I couldn't decide. I reached behind me and turned the main lights off again.

"The lamp," I muttered against his lip and he made an approving noise as we moved as one over to it. I grabbed the wig, dropped it and kicked it under the bed just in time for Jake to fumble with the lamp. The light that came on was softer and better for the mood anyway.

Crisis averted, I was able to actually enjoy kissing Jake. I ran my hands through his hair as his hands got more comfortable and grazed over my butt. I groaned as he squeazed appreciatively and let him drop me on his bed. I grinned at him as he climbed onto the bed on his knees. He lent down slowly with a smile and ran his lips down my neck. I arched my head to the side and sighed happily.

"This was an interesting turn of events," Jake whispered against my neck and I laughed huskily.

"Are you complaining?" I asked, running my hands through his light hair.

"Hardly. I just thought that you didn't want to make a move on me," He chuckled. "Wasn't why you wanted to know whether my roommate was around was so you weren't rude?" Sarcasm was dripping from his words. I shrugged and coyly looked away from him.

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