If In Doubt, Pull Out

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Chapter Thirteen
-If In Doubt, Pull Out-

"The thing about my baby, it don't matter if you're black or wh- 'ello...?" I heard Kathy sneak into the room at god knows what time, singing Michael Jackson. I assumed she had just figured out I wasn't alone in my bed. "What do we have here, popette?" she asked faking a British accent.

She'd been watching Pirates of the Caribbean again.

I kept my eyes closed, faking sleep. The 'Why-On-Earth-Is-There-A-Strange-Random-In-Your-Bed-With-You' conversation could wait. I hadn't known what to do with Trent last night and didn't want to kick him out on his butt when he'd probably only end up sleeping in his car. It was a nice night but not that nice.
After the initial awkward-ness we'd pretty much fallen back into old habit and were currently spooning. Now that he was pressed up against me in a single bed, I realized that I had in fact missed him but with the drama of Lockie and Jakes sheer ability to be his stunning self, thoughts of Trent seemed to have fallen by the way side.

That had to mean he didn't mean as much I used to think, right?

We started dating when we were sixteen and were inseparable but now lying in bed, awake but unwilling to open my eyes because I could still hear Kathy moving around, I had the feeling that we may have just been more like best friends who made out and hooked up.
In the town I came from I didn't have much of a picking field when it came to guys and it was either sweet, loyal Trent or total player, butt face other dudes that thought they were the bomb and so much better than everyone else.
Trent stirred next to me and pulled my body closer to him, he was packing some serious morning glory and I couldn't lie here without beginning to giggle like a twelve year old when you say 'Tampon'.

Having heard Kathy stop moving around the room, I assumed she had gotten into bed and peaked an eye open. Her bed had a Kathy sized lump under the doona and I opened both my eyes and stayed there a moment to make sure Kathy was actually going to sleep and letting my eyes adjust to the rooms lighting. As quietly as I could I grabbed my phone, wallet, track suit pants and jumper and my thongs and snuck into the hallway. Thanking my lucky stars that no one was around I slipped on my pants and jumper over my tank top and lime green undies that said 'superstar' over my butt in baby pink. I slipped my thongs on and started towards the stairs.

I ended up at a cafe near my room that was just opening. I got their first coffee of the day and a fresh newspaper and went through it waiting for the sun to come up enough to wake Trent up. I wasn't really paying attention to anyone around me coming and going in the early hours of the day so didn't notice Taylor sit down at my table with me. I looked up with a start and he smirked at me tossing his protein shake container from hand to hand.
"What the hell?" I asked and he laughed.
"Why are you up so early, Walters?" he asked me. "Jake has told me 'Lockie' can't be woken with a bulldozer going through a brick wall in the mornings."
"Uh, I got woken up by my roommate sneaking back into the room," I trailed off. "You tell me why I can't sleep, Taylor." he grinned at me knowingly, but didn't say anything.
"Well, I had to go to the gym and Kathy didn't want to stay in my room," he told me after a silent moment of me glaring at him. "I tell you what... Just guy between fake guy, Kathy isn't as innocent as she comes off as... Me-ow." I groaned shaking my head as I rubbed my face.
"Can't you guys wait like a fricken week?!" I demanded. "I need her for one more week and then you guys can get up to whatever shenanigans you want."
"Yeah," Taylor laughed, "Like that'll happen." he snorted again in amusement and shook his head.
"You suck." I glared at him and he continued to grin like the devil.
"It's alright, Luce," he told me, giving me the first genuine smile since he sat down at the table. "I won't let anyone see us and my roommate is never around so she'll be safe and secure in my room all week," he told me and I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms across my chest.
"You're such a jerk," I huffed as his phone beeped; he quickly read the message and looked up at me with eye brows raised. "What?" I asked.
"Speaking of being a jerk, who was in bed with you when Kathy got home, Walters?" he asked, clearly defensive for his friend. "Didn't you go on a date with Jake last night?"
"Uh, yes," I nodded. "Yup, I did," I told him, opening my newspaper again, looking at it. He looked at me with a serious and curious look on his face until I cracked and chewed my lip. "Actually, funny story that one. It's none of your business so it doesn't matter to you," I stood up and grabbed my keys, phone and coffee and fake laughed. "Isn't that hilarious?" I asked him and walked away from him, half expecting him to chase after me, but he never did. I was walking through the doors of the accommodation building when my phone beeped with its own message.

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