Taylors Guy Rules To Living A Fulfilling Guy Life (Updated after ABLH)

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-Taylors Guy Rules To Living A Fulfilling Guy Life-

Rule One (ABLH)
If a mate breaks up with a girl and can't see how badly he's screwed up, you have to help him out.

Rule Two
If it flies, floats or fornicates, it is better off rented.

Rule Three
If you make it out of the lion's den, don't go back for your hat.

Rule Four
Life is an illusion; you see what you want to see.

Rule Five
Always better to apologise after, than ask permission before.

Rule Six
If in doubt, pull out.

Rule Seven
No guts, no glory.

Rule Eight
Jealousy is a curse.

Rule Nine
Regret nothing.

Rule Ten (ABLH)
Do not fear death.

Rule Eleven
In all things, have no preference.

Rule Twelve
There is so much a moustache says about a man.

Rule Thirteen
It's okay to die not knowing how electric eels mate without stinging each other.

Rule Fourteen
It's always unacceptable to refuse a girls request to dance.

Rule Fifteen
Trust no one who uses unusual paperclips

Rule Sixteen
People that use the word classy, usually aren't.

Rule Seventeen
No mammals on sweaters, or belts for that matter.

Rule Eighteen
There is no shame in a good mango.

Rule Nineteen

Rule Twenty
You haven't made it until you have a bobble head of yourself.

Rule Twenty-One
You're not supposed to enjoy your job.

Rule Twenty-Two
The man who wears the bunny suit is greater than the man who wears the business suit.

Rule Twenty-Three
People only use the word 'pumped' to explain their excitement when they're about to do something stupid.

Rule Twenty-Four
No ponytails, unless you're Willy Nelson.

Rule Twenty-Five
Teardrop tattoos aren't a sign of sensitivity.

Rule Twenty-Six
You can never have too many socks.

Rule Twenty-Seven
The man that uses GPS, is only half a man.

Rule Twenty-Eight
All rules shouldn't be longer than one sentence.

Rule Twenty-Nine

Rule Thirty

Rule Thirty-One
Once a week, you have to try something you have never done before.

Rule Thirty-Two
Don't be that guy.

Rule Thirty-Three
Ironing is a lot like sex, you start off roughly, but should end gently.

Rule Thirty-Four
Car Sex: If you wouldn't feel comfortable pulling over for a picnic during the day or a hot chocolate at night, (And that's how much time you'll need.) I wouldn't recommend having sex there.

Rule Thirty-Five
Even if you don't really care about sports, care about sports.

Rule Thirty-Six

Rule Thirty-Seven
Girls can be wing-men; due to the hidden knowledge they hold to untangle the confusing mysterious mind of the female.

Rule Thirty-Eight
Unless you are 'wacky', 'inflatable' or a 'flailing arm, tube man', never dance with your hands above your head.

Rule Thirty-Nine
Guys never engage in cuddling, unless they're going to, or just have had sex.

Rule Forty
You must whistle at an engine, even if you don't know what you're whistling at.

Rule Forty-One
Given the event you forgot a name; Bro, Brah, Sahn (son), Tiger, Player, Mate, Buddy or Man are all acceptable to recover yourself.

Rule Forty-Two
It's unacceptable to drink without a reason.

Rule Forty-Three (ABLH)
Chick music is acceptable to gain insight and valuable knowledge regarding women.

Rule Forty-Four
Unless you have a lucrative endorsement deal, don't wear more than one brand at a time.

Rule Forty-Five
On a road trip, the strongest bladder, determines the pit stops.

Rule Forty-Six

Rule Forty-Seven
Shotgun can be called on anything where a shotgun applies, as long as you are with eyesight of the object and it is at a reasonable time.

Rule Forty-Eight
If a hot girl shall happen to pass by while you are in an arm's reach of your buddy, you must, and will, tap him on the shoulder to make him aware of the babe.

Rule Forty-Nine
Any object thrown with reasonable speed and accuracy, must be caught.

Rule Fifty
It's the sauce that makes the difference.


Want more? A Boyfriend Like Him has been posted and is ready to read in my novel list. Any missing rules are because they haven't been revealed in the stories.

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