Grim Avenger Of The Bathroom

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Chapter Thirty-Four
-Grim Avenger Of The Bathroom-

Jake cuddled me closer as the warm water ran over us. A breathless giggle escaped me as I felt his teeth bite my neck gently. I moved my weight from foot to foot making the shower caps crinkle against the tiles. He ran his tongue up my neck from his bite to my ear lobe and sucked gently. Instinctively my nails bit into his skin as I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning loudly. At my reaction he released my ear lobe and turned my head, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth with a quiet moan. As we had a battle of the tongues, my hands couldn't keep still, he was so nice to touch. Back muscles that rippled in response to my nails run down their length and a hard chest and abs that flex instinctively as I run finger tips gently across them, wishing my tongue was free at the moment. His teeth caught my bottom lip again as he started to retreat and I lost my head all over again when he made a path from my chin to my collarbone with his tongue because nipping gently making me squirm deliciously.

"Jake, stop," I laughed and laughed again when he emitted a growl before latching onto my neck with his mouth, sucking as his hands roamed around my body freely.

"Yes Jake. Stop," I heard someone call out dryly, from behind the flimsy curtain. "Dear god, please. Stop."

"Fuck off, Cadley," Jake growled from my neck.

"Trying to mate, but I'm not sure if you're ruining the mood for the rest of us or adding to it," He joked as I heard another shower start up.

"Taylor?" I asked, feeling my face heat up and not from the shower temperature.

"Yeah, Walters." I pulled back and looked at Jake who didn't look too impressed at the intrusion.

"Oh my god," I mouthed to Jake and he shook his head and shrugged.

"Don't worry about it; do you know how many showers I've had to take with him and his play things panting and giggling in the stall next to me?" He told me with his mouth to my ear, so he could speak quietly as I rewrapped my arms around his broad, wet shoulders. His voice when it was husky with lust hit straight to my ovaries.

"Now, don't stop on account of me, you guys. Others might be grossed out but I need entertainment in here too, don't leave it all for yourself, ya hear?" Taylor called out.

"Shut up, Taylor," Both Jake and I called out at the same time. This was responded too with a grunt of amusement from over the shower stall wall.

"Your room?" I asked and Jake nodded, killing the water.

As we stepped into the alcove just in front of the curtain I frowned as I gave Jake his towel and didn't spot mine anywhere.

"I left my towel in the room," I told Jake, biting my lip. He frowned at me for a moment before a light came on behind his eyes. Wrapping his towel around himself he ducked out and came back nearly instantly with a baby blue towel. I looked at him suspiciously as he handed it to me, but as I wiped my face, I knew exactly who it belonged too, purely by the cologne on it. "Is this Taylors towel?" I asked in a whisper and his grin was that of a six year old boy on Christmas morning.

"No," He rolled his eyes exaggeratedly, but continued to grin as he walked out leaving me there.

"Hey Taylor," I called out.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"You got a spare change of clothes with you?" I asked slowly.

"Nuh, only brought my towel in with me. Why?" He asked.

"No reason," I couldn't keep the grin off my face. I was as terrible as Jake. I walked out of the showers and quickly into Jakes room. After I replaced Taylors towel with my own, I hung his towel on Jakes outside door knob with a post-it note saying 'Thanks buddy!'

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