Unleashing The Inner Cat Lady

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Chapter Eleven
-Unleashing The Inner Cat Lady-

I was sitting on my bed, starring at my wardrobe, putting my situation into perspective to decide what would be appropriate to wear tonight.

I was going on a date with the guy I had gotten drunk with last night and danced shamefully against.

I eyed a silver sequined dress that sat closer to my crotch then my knees and a pair of shiny silver pumps that matched. Shameless hoes wear clothes like that... I was very much the shamless hoe last night... but no.

This guy was the roommate of my male alter ego, Lockie, too.

Maybe I could just wear dirty jeans and a hoodie, he needed to find out I was Lockie sooner or later anyway. What better time than the first date.... But again, something told me no.

This guy also, completely unaware that the same girl he asked out to dinner had been living, dressed as a boy, with him for the last week.

The dirty jeans and hoodie came back into my head... I pushed it out with all my will power.

You could say I was in a bit of a sticky wicket...

I sighed and stood up, taking a step closer to the wardrobe. I slowly ran my finger against the row of clothes hangers and watched the clothes ripple as an effect. I should really be wearing an adult sized one-sie and grandma cardigan and skip shaving my legs just to make sure I keep myself in check tonight, or maybe skip the leg shave ploy seeing as they were still smooth from last night and slip into a oh-so-sexy silky smooth metal plated and padlocked chastity belt right under my nanna cardigan and romper suit.

Mmm smell the inner cat lady unleashing in me...

I grabbed a pair of jeans, a blouse and knee high boots and laid it down on the bed. It would show enough cleavage to tell him I was interested, cover enough to say I didn't grind against every guy I met and still had a little edge to tell him I had more to show him about myself.

...Like I was your male roommate as well as your Saturday night date...!

I showered and made myself up with nice, girly, non-skanky make up and got the nod of approval from Kathy and headed for the door after Jake knocked on it. I opened the door and couldn't hide my grin as he stood before me. Dressed smartly in dark jeans and a collared blue shirt. His hair was under control just as well as he was able to control it, I suspected and I couldn't miss the nervous glint in his smiling eyes.
"You look amazing," He told me and I brushed down my blouse in a nervous move that I had apparently stolen from Kathy the night before.
"I wasn't sure what we were doing. So, I just tried to look a little casual, I guess," I told him, biting my lip.
"You look great. Perfect even," He told me, nodding. We stood in the doorway nervously smiling at each other.
"Bye kids! Don't get too frisky! Save it for next Friday!" Kathy called out from her bed after she must have decided that we were being idiots, standing in the doorway nervously smiling at each other.
"Hey Kathy," Jake glanced over my shoulder, "Where's Lock?" He asked.
"Getting dinner for us," Kathy replied, lying smoothly. "Which is what you guys are meant to be doing, right? Get out of here! I'll tell him you said 'hi'," She verbally shooed us away.
"Yeah," Jake laughed. "See you later, Kathy." He waved and she returned it, sending me a wink when Jakes back was turned.

We walked slowly down the hall and out of the accommodation block, making small talk. Just enough to keep it flowing but the butterflies in my stomach were making it hard to think of the next thing to say, but Jake seemed to be on a roll, providing all the material.
"I thought we could walk," He told me and I nodded.
"I'm fine with walking, I haven't done nearly enough since moving here. At home we would walk everywhere," I told him.
"Where is home?" He asked.
"My parents live in a small town a little while from here. But my best friend back home lived on a cherry farm, so I would spend all my time at their place." The best friend in question was actually my boyfriend, Trent, but I wasn't about to spill the beans and make it awkward ten minutes into the date. We walked through the campus as the lights were coming on all around us. People were coming and going, with either dinner ready to go or in gym clothes and joggers.
"Sounds like a fun," He smiled, "I love cherries."
"Would you believe, I can't stand them?" I laughed. "I remember one day, we weren't in school and his mum had all these really ripe delicious cherries and she gave us, like, a whole giant basket of them," I gestured the size of the basket and Jake had a silly grin on his face already, "and we ended up eating them until we were literally the same color as the fruit. I've never been able to look at them again after that. I was so sick that night." He laughed loudly as I grinned at him.
"My brother can't eat olives for the same reason," He told me.
"I can't stand olives to begin with!" I exclaimed and he gave me a dirty look.
"I knew there was something wrong with you," He told me. "Doesn't like olives," He murmured to himself, shaking his head. "What is my mum going to think?" He sighed. I stared at him for a moment, unsure of what to think, but I saw a tiny smile crack into his face and knew he was joking.
"We've hardly started dinner and you're already wondering what your mum is going to think?" I laughed. "Way to horrify your date. Where are my runners? I need a fast get away," I told him and he laughed again.
"I would rather horrify you then lie to you," He told me. "Honesty is the best policy, right?" He asked and I had to bit my lip as my stomach flipped into a super tight knot.
"Yeah," I tried to give an easy laugh, but i'm not sure how I went, "Definitely." Jake seemed to not notice however as he led me across the road towards a pub that we had been at last night, I sent him a look and he smiled at me.
"I haven't been here myself, but I've been told you will love it here," he told me as we walked around the side and there was a flight of wooden stairs leading up the roof. "C'mon," He smiled at me, offering his hand. I took it, liking the soft yet firm grip of his hand and let him lead me up the stairs.
As we got to the top of the stairs, the restaurant laid out in front of us. Jake was told right, I did love it.It was a small courtyard made from pavers and bricks. The surrounding area didn't have much in the way of skylines or anything exciting, but fairy lights made a boarder along the brick wall and more sparkling fairy lights scattered through the tall trees that provided the restaurant with privacy from the neighbouring buildings. A giant net of fairy lights above us acted as a secretive canopy and ensured that even in the middle of the night, it felt like you were in the middle of a brightly lit room with tons of twinkling stars. All different sized plants in different sized pots were scattered around the area and they all had they're own set of twinkling lights illuminating them.
"This place is really nice," Jake murmured sounding a little astonished and I nodded my agreement.
"Definitely, So pretty," I replied breathless.
When I saw it was on top of a pub I wasn't expecting some secret roof top garden hide away, that was for sure. We stood by a sign that said 'Please wait here to be seated' on it and two giant terracotta pots with ferns spilling from them providing a wall from the entrance to the rest of the restaurant.
We were soon seated and I placed the napkin on my lap as I continued to survey the scene. It was still a pub atmosphere and no one was any more dressed up then what I was wearing. The tables and chairs were garden furniture. Metal twisted and shaped into interesting patterns, giving the place a classy edge to stop it looking like a bogans eating paradise after a long days drinking at the pub downstairs. The twinkling plants provided more intimacy then I expected, cornering Jake and I off in our own little section.
I found nothing worse than when you were at a restaurant trying to carry a conversation with the person you're with and you feel like you're, like, literally on top of the person next to your table. Listening to their entire conversation about everything from a strange rash they woke up with to how cute it was that their baby shat themselves that morning. Especially when you're trying to get to know someone like I was doing with Jake, hearing about someone's rash and their suspicions on where it came from, was definitely a mood killer.
We quickly ordered and sat for a moment after the waitress left us, gazing at each other silently.
"You look really pretty tonight," He told me, looking at me with a sincere, sweet smile. I looked down at my hands for a moment, allowing myself to blush before looking back up at him.
"Thank you," I replied. He smiled at me for a moment more before leaning forward on the table.
"You were telling me about the town you grew up in?" He prompted, wanting to continue on the conversation we were having as we arrived.
"Yeah," I agreed and continued on with stories I had about living in a town where there wasn't much to do in the first place.

After dinner, we slowly walked down the long flight of stairs that took us back down from the roof.
"Thank you for dinner," I told him as I stopped on the last step, leaning onto the hand rail. Jake stopped and spun on his heel to face me. We were pretty evenly heighted, finally, while I was standing on stair up from him. I looked him eye to eye, blue to green and couldn't stop the blush or smile that currently graced my face.
"I wasn't sure you would still want to do it, after you ran out like you did this morning. But I'm really glad you did come tonight," He told me as he ran a finger down my index finger that was resting on the hand rail. I couldn't help but shiver as it tickled and excited at the same time. I looked from where his finger was now softly moving back and forth on my finger to where he was looking at me with his smiling eyes.
"Me too. So much so that I really don't want to get off these stairs, because that may mean we go home and it's all over," I told him truthfully. A humorous smile spread on his lips at my words and he shrugged.
"I know of some midnight markets happening tonight. Do you want to go check them out?" He asked, and I grinned as I nodded, finally taking the final step and hitting the pavement. Effortlessly Jake moved from stroking my finger softly to fully holding my hand without me even really noticing until I realised he was pulling me gently down the road towards the markets.

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